Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 212

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Say: O deaf inner self, no one has ever encompassed the knowledge of the Truth nor will they ever. His knowledge is hidden, treasured, and protected from your grasp. If He wills, He can complete the creation of the first and the last in an instant, but you have not yet understood completion. I wish that the ability to understand could be observed in you[111], and this servant, who is one of the attendants of the divine court, would find you capable and inspire you with words that would enable you to understand some of the hidden matters. At the very least, you would become aware of your own resentment if you did not gain knowledge of the completion of the Manifestation. So, be ashamed before Allah and do not impose the rules of your ego and desires upon Him. Indeed, He manifests as He wills, not as you will.