Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 208

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All these points have been proven to them with such perfected proofs, firm texts, and verified arguments that they consider those who deny them as disbelievers, false, and polytheists. Since the shining of the suns of divine glory was contrary to the opinions of these souls, they have all been veiled and deprived. Yet, you are now making a new argument that the Promised One, who has appeared, must either be above or under the previous one. If he is under the previous one, he should follow his actions, and if he claims a higher rank, it is impossible since the previous one's era is not yet complete. Now, be fair, what is the difference between you and these groups? Yes, the difference is innumerable, as in the books of those groups, the appearance of the Promised One has been mentioned implicitly without explicitness through enigmatic allusions and convincing verses, and therefore they have been veiled, as they have not understood the meanings of the divine words.

However, you and people like you, while the Point of Declaration - may my soul be a sacrifice for Him - explicitly [109], without implying, commands not to deny the sovereignty of existence and the witnessing of the King for everything created between the heavens and the earth, whether it is through words or allusions. You present arguments that it is not possible for the truth to appear.