Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 201

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And after two days, the mentioned name appeared in person and repudiated the false accusations that had been made against him, swearing that "what has been attributed to this servant is an absolute lie." The Abha Beauty showed utmost kindness to him and granted him what was recorded in the Tablet, and he returned to his home. A few days later, the mentioned person deceived him, brought him out of Kazimain, and martyred that unfortunate one near the house of your guide. By God, his martyrdom raised a dust in Iraq, and the darkness that descended was so intense that day turned into night. Lamps were lit in the markets, and all the people of Iraq, terrified and agitated, raised the cry of "Ya Allah!" Both men and women called out that it was because of the shedding of the blood of this oppressed one that this calamity had befallen Iraq. Yet the guide did not sense it and did not awaken from the sleep of heedlessness.

By Allah, they martyred him with such injustice that the heavens were filled with horror, lamentation, and wailing, yet he did not take heed.