Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 196

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In conclusion, it is mentioned: Know that these verses are the very verses to which the Point of Articulation has been sent forth, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah manifesting them, the Spirit speaks through them, and the Speaker is established by them. Now, contemplate for a moment the transgressions committed by those who have turned away from this Manifestation! Among the immersed in the ocean of meanings and the dwellers in the celestial sphere of divine wisdom, the souls of those who have turned away from these wondrous divine verses have been and will always be veiled from all the prophets and messengers. And they will not find the fragrance of Paradise which was the breath of the Manifestation. Those are the most unfortunate of people, but they do not know. We ask Allah to grant you the wings of certainty in this clear matter so that you may soar with them to the heavens of honor and sanctification, and say: "Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds."