Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 192

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Say: O distant one, you speak without awareness and mention without knowledge. If overall observation and perception were to grasp the hidden meanings, which are veiled in the spiritual pavilion of knowledge in this manifestation, you would have been informed of them, and thus enlightened upon the paradise that has no shadow overall. But alas, you have given the divine treasures of nights to the thieves and exposed the chaste meanings to the oppressors[99], who are treacherous in their eyes, vision, hearts, and souls. It is like those who have stolen the expressions of the Exalted One - may all besides Him be a sacrifice for His soul - and combined them with their fabricated words, published them in their name, and are oblivious to the fact that the experts of divine unity can identify a single pearl in a hundred thousand layers of stone and trace it back to its origin. For divine celestial wine does not flow from a limestone mine, and the stream of divine wisdom does not emanate from a tar source.

There are servants who, through the fragrance of divine pleasure, find the concealed abode of the Most Merciful. The sweet fragrance of guidance directs those with the noblest sense of smell towards the sublime beauty of the Most Exalted One. Indeed, in the realm of keen sight, they will appear and the experts of divine unity will come into existence, purchasing the gems of His words with their lives, passing through the world of possibilities for His sake, sacrificing their lives on His path. They will sever their ties with the world in His name, become independent of the mention of all other worlds through His remembrance, and be free from any worldly concerns in His memory.