Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 191

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Know that claiming the station of truthfulness for oneself based on one's own verses is an injustice from you and him towards God, the Guardian, the Self-Subsisting. [98] This rank has been and will be exclusive to the manifestations of divine unity and the appearance of divine mercy, who have become manifest through the verses of God and His clear proofs, and who have not clung to anything other than the stations and manifestations of His power, as is stated in all the scriptures. So open your eyes to recognize!

This is the station of (O one who points to His Essence by His Essence), and similarly the station of (His proof is His verses, and His existence is His confirmation), and likewise (Know God through God). For it is not permissible for Him to use anything other than Himself as evidence for His truthfulness. He has been and will always be known through His own Essence, and everything else is known through Him and takes pride in their relation to Him. He is the divine criterion, the path of unity, the eternal sun, the vast ocean, the complete word, the hidden secret, the well-populated house, and the written book. Everything is measured by this criterion, and He is measured by His own Essence. All are brought into existence by a breath from Him, and He is by His own Essence.