Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 184
Most people today are considered infants in the sight of God because they drink from the breast of heedlessness, and their weaning days have not yet come, let alone reaching maturity. If they do attain maturity, they will taste the sweetness of the knowledge of the divine from the verses of the Almighty and Eternal that have appeared in this manifestation, and they will perceive the sanctified, eternal divine stream, seeing worldly knowledge as a mirage. Say: Fear God and do not mention anything less than Him in His presence, nor compare anything to Him, nor think of Him in a manner that is not fitting or appropriate for you! Fear God, O people, and do not follow those who disbelieved in God during His days, who argued without proof, usurped His rights, transgressed His justice, and were unjust and oppressed. Those are the ones who will be cursed by every atom if you understand.