Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 147

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Assuming the acceptance of this statement, they have attributed all things to themselves and called themselves by all names, as they have observed their own manifestation in every verse, while sanctifying their essence from all attributes and purifying their existence from all names. As they say in one place, He exalted in mentioning: "Say: I descended until I said, 'I am a particle, and less than a particle,' just as I said, 'I am a Lord and the Sustainer of all who have a Lord,' etc." It is surprising that you have not grasped this clear point. If you were insightful, you would be certain that from the beginning of the appearance until the time of ascension, they never saw anyone other than themselves[75], in such a way that the blessed eye never fell upon anything but the blessed countenance, and this was one station of the stations of that eternal countenance. And no one has ever looked upon anyone but the All-Knowing, the Wise Himself.