Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 136

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And as for your claim that the Point of Revelation - may our souls be sacrificed for him - has prescribed one form of expression for the imitators and the common people, and another for those with the most discerning eyes and hearts, this is a transgression from you against God, the Ever-Watchful, the Sustainer. This statement is quite vain and meaningless. The truth has indeed manifested itself through clear verses, and they are indeed a proof from God for every soul, if you are among those who know. The divine proof has always been one and the same, and for all, He has appointed those very verses as the proof. And if there was no sign of knowledge and understanding of the verses in creation, they would certainly not have appeared in the verses. In that, there is wisdom for those with understanding, and none comprehend it except those with the most discerning vision.