Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 135

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By God, if a soul recognizes the power of that King, it would not object to the Creator of names and attributes with the likes of these words. O you who are deprived of the Kawthar of divine knowledge, we concede, according to your claim, that a soul is adorned with a shirt of a name from the names between the earth and the heavens. Is the truth not capable of taking it away? Woe to you! By God, all existence, both the unseen and the witnesses, denies you. Has God - exalted be His mention - ever considered it appropriate to give a soul something and then not consider it appropriate to take it back? The Pen is too dignified to mention what you have been preoccupied with these days in the presence of the All-Knowing King. Fear God, then leave what you have and take what is with God. This is better for you than what has been created between the heavens and the earths.