Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 127

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The soul that you yourself mention is a mirror, and it is evident to anyone with insight that the mirror has no inherent reality of its own and will never have one; its existence has been for the purpose of reflecting the effulgence of the Sun. Concerning him, it has been said that he is the first point - may my soul be a sacrifice for him beyond that - and he has said that he is a proof in himself and has no need for a text from me. By God, your own desires support your words and reveal from them what He wills, not what has been decreed by the Almighty, the All-Powerful. This [65] Manifestation, whose signs and manifestations have encompassed the entire world, has been denied and a text has been sought, despite the fact that all the explicit and specific expressions have been revealed in this most wondrous and exalted Manifestation, and despite the fact that this matter has always been and will always be sanctified from proof, reference, expression, and indication. His appearance is in itself a proof, and His verses are the evidence of God upon the worlds.