Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 121

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All of you were created for His encounter and presence in that greatest and most exalted position. Indeed, He may bestow from the heaven of His generosity what is best for you, and what descends from Him will surely enrich you beyond all worlds. Today, the knowledge of every possessor of knowledge, the merit of every possessor of virtue, the greatness of every possessor of greatness, the power of every possessor of power, the remembrance of every possessor of remembrance, the deeds of every doer, the bowing of every bowing one, the prostration of every prostrating one, the focus of every focused one, the honor of every possessor of honor, the high lineage of every possessor of elevated lineage, the lofty nobility of every possessor of exalted nobility, the eloquence of every possessor of eloquence, the light of every possessor of light, and the name of every possessor of a name will not avail. For all of that and all that you have known and comprehended have been created by His command "Be" and it is. If He wills, He could create the possible things with a word from Him, and He is indeed capable of doing so, and He has always been above all that, a determiner, omnipotent, and capable.