Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 120

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When the sun of glory rises from the horizon of eternity, be present before the Throne! Beware of sitting before Him or asking what you are not permitted. Fear God, O mirrors, all of you together. Ask of the wonders of His grace so that He may reveal to you whatever He wills and desires. For on that day, all grace will revolve around His Throne and will manifest from Him if you but know. Be silent before the Throne, for silence on that day is better than all that has been created between the heavens and the earth. And do not be among those who were given knowledge before and became arrogant with it before God, the Guardian, the Self-Subsisting. For on that day, He is above every possessor of knowledge, knowing, all-knowing; above every possessor of power, powerful, omnipotent, capable; above every possessor of greatness, great, magnified, mighty; above every possessor of elevation, elevating, exalted, lofty; above every possessor of honor, honorable, exalted, esteemed; above every possessor of wisdom, wise, ruling, sagacious; above every possessor of generosity, generous, giving, bountiful; above every possessor of command, commanding, ordering, leader; and above every possessor of virtue, virtuous, excellent, meritorious.