Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 116

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If only you realized whom it is that you have confirmed! By God, there is no god but Him! He has not dawned except with His remembrance, nor ended the day except with His praise, nor moved except with His love, nor breathed [59] except in His command. Yet you have turned away from Him, opposed Him, and clung to what is, in the sight of God, more insignificant than yourselves, if only you knew. You have turned away from the Beloved of Possibility, of whom He says in the Point of Declaration - exalted is His mention -: "Were it not for His Book, that Book would not have been revealed, and were it not for His essence, God would not have manifested me", and you write that He has described such and such in His statement, while you have neither known the description nor recognized the describer and the described. By God, if you knew what you have done, you would weep for yourself, and if you knew this Manifestation and had the wealth of the heavens and the earth in gold and silver, you would spend it all to enter His shade and hear a melody from His melodies. But because you were veiled from that, you have become deprived of the divine breezes of God, the Guardian, the Self-Subsisting.