Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 113

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And as for what you wrote, that His Holiness the Bab confirmed Mirza Yahya, first of all, you are not informed of that confirmation and its purpose and intention. For the heavenly meanings have always been veiled from the gaze of creation in the chambers of the divine words of the Lord's protection and will continue to be so. No one touched them except the Self of the Manifestation and those who were His witnesses on the day of His appearance. By God, He confirmed nothing but this beauty which fell into the hands of the idolaters and under the control of the deniers, and then the tongues of the heedless and the arrogant. Assuming the truth of this statement, if you look closely at this confirmation in the case of all observations, as He says - exalted be His mention - that: There is no doubt that all the souls who have become believers in the declaration are from the prophets, saints, and chosen ones. And then [58], in another position, He says - exalted be His mention -: All of this is so that on the day of the Manifestation you do not remain veiled by the names, but rather look at what the names stand for in everything, even the mention of the Prophet, for that name is created by what God reveals.