Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 109

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If all of us on earth today become delicate mirrors and bear witness to a matter, it will not suffice, for the testimony of all is contingent upon the Self of the Manifestation. Just as the Point - may our souls be sacrificed for Him - states in the final appearance, His saying - exalted be His mention -: If all of us on earth bear witness to a matter, and He bears witness to something less than what they have testified to, His testimony is like the sun, and their testimony is like the phantom of the sun, which has not come into alignment, and otherwise, it corresponds with His testimony. I swear by the Most Sacred Divine Essence that a single line of His words is better than the words of all of us on earth, rather I seek forgiveness for this mention of preference. How can the reflections of the suns in mirrors be like the effects of the sun in the heavens? This is in the realm of nothingness, and that is in the realm of the Will of all things by God, the Almighty and Exalted.