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And the fact that he wrote: He will not be a liar, even though he apparently confirmed the truth of the Holy Prophet, but this confirmation was ghostly and was taken. What if you were sure of the truth of the first point, you would not deny the source of truth, from whom the truth of truth was created and praised at will. And confirming the truth of the Holy Prophet in this position is to deny the appearance of his identity and reality. If the previous scholars at the time of the emergence of the point of expression [50] - Jalat-e-Azmathu - the same theologian swears that: "I am sure that the imams of Hoda are truthful, the hadiths are more frequent than those existing that any soul who believes that one should be born righteous is a liar, a hypocrite, and a blasphemer, and killing him is obligatory. " And they also argued that "(Khatamu al-Nabbaiyyin) is the word of God and revealed in the Qur'an in a clear text, and it is certain that God is truthful and His Prophet is truthful." And then, in protest against Allah and the Manifestation of His Self, these words of the speaker: "This person's claim is invalid and discredited, because he has spoken against the Book of God, the Sunnah, and the truthful Prophet. As it is in his book that he was a prophet from the beginning, not the first." It has come and it will come until the end.