So, O Beloved of Baha, Reviver of Baha, Inspiration of Baha, Remembrance of Baha, and Lover of Baha, weep for the soul of Baha! By God, it has remained unique among your creation and alone among your servants, and they do with it whatever they want, and I have no supporter to prevent them from doing it or expel them from around the precincts of your sanctity and the pavilion of your glory and majesty. Praise be to You for all of that and for everything that came to my soul in Your path. Even if your servants removed from my temple the garment of pleasure and the garment of joy, honor and sanctity, but you gave me with your grace what no one can dispose of even if the creation of the heavens and the earth meets. Praise be to You for what You have bestowed upon me with Your generosity, O beloved of my heart and intended for the hearts of those who know. And I who love you will not be afraid of anything, even if the clouds of judgment rain down on me with arrows of affliction. I delegated my affairs to you and put my trust in you, and you are my sufficiency, my helper, and my supporter, and with you I have had enough of all creatures. And praise be to You, because You are my deity and the deity of everyone in the worlds.