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And the fact that you wrote that we eat the blood of the liver and thought that he was relieved and got rid of the forced interpretation religion, no, I swear! You have not eaten liver blood, if you had eaten liver blood, you would have entered Athar's residence and would have cleansed the great sight from the sight of the cow. Although it is known and used that some of the devils of Ansia have decided to stand between you and this lowest corruption [22]. But it is the right of witness and witness that this servant would not be offended by your words, even if they were specific to this servant. ولكن إحترقتْ أكبادُ العالمين مِن إشاراتِ كلماتِكَ و تصريحاتِ ألفاظِكَU لأنّ كلَّها تَرْجِعُ بِظنونِكُم إلی مقرّ الّذی، فوالله الذی لا إله إلاّ هو، لو يطيرُنَّ هؤلاء الّذين إتّخذتَهُم لنفسِكَ محبوباً مِن دون الله بِدوام الله، لنْ يَبْلُغَنَّ إلی هواء الّذی فيه تَهُبُّ نسائمُ إسمٍ مِن أسمائه الّتی Your creation is by His words, so is the soul of the Almighty, the Almighty, the Wise. But Allah has made the following sacred from the worshipers of these people and their clothing and from the support of these polytheists.