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It has become so much that you write rejections on yourself and you are not aware of the fact that the written signs of the emergence of Qaim appeared during the emergence and people did not understand. Now consider what this lack of understanding came from. There is no doubt that he was aware of the absence of illusory apparitions. If they had illusions about the signs of the emergence of what was mentioned from those phrases and because they did not observe in the real world according to their illusions, then they did not gain the mysticism of the point of expression. If you yourself and those like you were not mystics until they explained the previous words, and after the statement of the Most Merciful structure, few affirmed and most denied. And this is the current situation that you and your likes are acting in the public opinion. Because you have not understood the meaning of God's words and you shout without feeling that this apparition should not appear, the completion of creation has not yet been expressed. And if you understood [188], of course you would not object to these words. You have seen the truth as helpless as yourself. Fu Allah! If a soul is capable of the power of the truth, it will never stop at the likes of these words, because it is able to repeat all the books in one word of its own words and also begin. This is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise, and the All-Knowing.