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And also the mention of "The End of the Prophets" in the Furqan, as well as in the signs of the next appearance and the signs of the Resurrection, such as "the destruction of the heavens" and "the splitting of the earth", "the destruction of the mountains" and "the resurrection of the dead from the visible graves" and similar statements that are among the signs of the Resurrection. Been. And the whole day with the same expressions are forbidden from the owners of names and attributes. what are you doing now Do you confirm or deny? What has not appeared according to the appearance of what has been recorded. Either you should say that it is all lies or you should say that they did not understand its meaning. And I don't know what you will say in the text of "Khatam al-Nabiyin" that the first point clearly states that a prophet came from the beginning and will come to the end, even though they knew it was impossible that a soul would come after the Prophet and claim prophethood.