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Today, He does not prohibit any evidence from His command, and nothing from what we have created between the heavens and the earth is sufficient, and will not be, except entering into the shadow of His command. If the whole earth is filled with books, it will not be able to resist a single letter that appears from the tongue of the essence of the first day. Drop these researches, La Yasmana La Yoghniyyah, and clear Isdar from the preoccupations of the first phrases of the signs, that you may be blessed with Rizvan Badi in this divine Rabi'a. Get rid of him and cling to him! Try not to be obscured by its words, signs, names, and manifestations from its originator and creator [183]. This is the point of the statement - Jall Azazah - says Qulah - Ezz Qulah -: All of this is so that on the Day of Resurrection you should not be afraid of the names, but consider what is related to the names of the whole thing, even the mention of the Prophet. For that name is created by what Allah sends down.