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Yes, these servants have confirmed the manifestations of God from before and will continue to do so with the grace of God and me, and God willing, we will not be hindered by any hijab or forbidden by any prohibition. By Allah, what he heard from that evil atheist was pure lies and slander, and you don't know that he has been reconciled with himself. God Almighty, Yafr Jaheem, my soul, and Yastiz al-Hasban, with God, my face and meeting. By their right, if a single word of truth has been heard by these worshipers from these two souls! And you do not know what they have done. They rose up against all the oppression and after instilling doubt in the hearts of people and covering up their abominable deeds, they have attributed to the truth a number of things that are impossible to count. I hope that they will not see good in this world and the hereafter and will be tormented by the torment of this world before the torment of the hereafter.