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Say: Oh ignorant ignorant, peace be upon you that your falsehoods have been accepted [106], half of the point of the statement is that in the whole statement, do not be afraid of the self-appearance of the statement and the creature in it. Praise be to God that the polytheist and his ilk have been deprived of expressing the words of the divine court, let alone implying the hints of the owner of names and attributes. Say: Be ashamed of God and cover the bottom of the divine religion with the mud of doubts and illusions and cover the rising sun of the sky with psychological veils! Say: By Allah, this is our sun, and the moon will never be eclipsed. If you hate me, then you will hate me, or you will be jealous of me. You have not yet realized that during the shining of the sun, the sign of the sign was the reason for lack of knowledge and ignorance, which is what was meant by the sign of the signification of the sign of the self. So open the basrak letters eastward from the horizon of glory and glory and glory.