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And then a statement has been made in this position that the interpretation of divine words is used in such a way that he will be blessed with the meeting of Allah in the next appearance, and that temple of his step will be known to him, as if he was present with a hand and the tongue of Allah spoke to him. A summary of his details is that: When Mirza Yahya wrote the fatwa to kill him, Hazrat Abhi had decided to emigrate from Iraq, and it had been almost two years that no one knew about him. And when the figure of the murder appeared in front of Murshidat, Mirza Mohammad Nama went to Azerbaijan to make that oppressor a martyr. Abi Allah amma arad leitma quhol fima zukr fi al-loh. And the mentioned name came from Azerbaijan, and all the companions stood for his murder, both Arab and non-Ajam. And this was when Hazrat Abhi had returned and was celebrating in Iraq. The matter became so severe that one day during the days of Jamal Abhi, from the beginning of dawn until the end of the evening, one by one of the Companions, who were trying to harm the poor, were asked for [104] and they gave a eloquent prohibition.