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Say: O proud and proud man, with this understanding, he has drawn the sword against Tarek "lolak" and has become a mystic in his own opinion and has reached the truth. I wish this road you are going to end up in Turkestan, as they said: "This road you are going to is Turkestan." But this path has been and will be leading to the downfall of Niran. And it is a wonder that it has been near the truth for a long time, and that the great Medina with this blessed land [101] was not so far away as to trouble the messengers. However, you did not come by yourself, which is easy, not a single holy breath came from you to the holy place, and no kind mention came to the abode of pure grace. And with that, you made yourself deprived of everything you were created for, and you were one of the distant ones.