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Qal: O you who are far away, you say and do not feel and remember and do not know. If consciousness was considered in the sentence, a mention of the hidden meanings, which is hidden in the spiritual mysticism of this emergence, would be mentioned so that you would be informed about Paradise without shame in the sentence. But it's a pity that Leali gave Qulzm Ezz Rabbani into the hands of thieves and Hor Mani Maksoorah was exposed in the presence of the oppressors [99], who were and are treacherous to the eyes, sight, Fouad and heart. It's like they have stolen the expressions of Hazrat Abhi - the spirit of self-sacrifice - and compounded them with their fake words and published them under their own name, and they are unaware that the money changers of Ahadiya recognize one pearl in a hundred thousand stones and from him to its mine. find out May God's sanctity not flow from the lime mine of Tasnim, and divine wisdom may not flow from the source of tar. And there are worshipers who realize the fragrance of Rezvan to Makman Rahman. What is the good smell of Hedayat representing the owners of Shama Asfi to Rizwan Jamal Ali Abhi. Of course, they should appear in the kingdom of Absar Hodeidah, and the money changers of Ahadiya will come into being and buy the jewels of his words with their lives, and they will go through all the possibilities for his sake and sacrifice their lives for his sake. In his name, they will be cut off from the customs of the world, and in his remembrance, they will be free from the remembrance of the worlds, and in his remembrance, they will be free from the remembrance of knowledge.