And the fact that it is written that you should be fair, would the Prophet himself have cleaned the verses better, my servant and you? And this is not imitation until the end. The great height of my words is falsehood and the greatness of disbelief and lack of understanding. They say they are not poets. I swear by the point of existence, while these words from the pen of those who are exposed to all things are both surprising and funny, which is the first point of the appearance and the revelations of God like the words of Hatal. However, they have rejected it and have been busy mentioning proof of knowledge. If they had insightful eyes, they would have noticed that the point of expression of the cruelty of Satan's manifestations and the study of Hasban Fuwallah is busy with cries, lamentations and lamentations. What he said is that what has been revealed in the statement is the purpose of the last appearance, and now it is seen that the first appearance in the last appearance and the words of his previous appearance have drawn a sword on his soul. If the likes of these souls were already justified by the words of his previous appearance, they poured out his purified tail. Qul: We have reached the end [84] and our actions then are not the act of Nimrod, nor al-Shammar, nor al-Sunan, nor Ibn Muljam, nor the first, nor the second.