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And the fact that it is written that Hazrat Bab confirmed Mirza Yahya, first of all, you are not aware of that confirmation, what was the meaning and what was the meaning. What the virginity of divine meanings has been and will be hidden in the pavilions of God's infallible words. No one except the soul of the appearance and those who were witnesses against him on the day of his appearance. For Allah, we are righteous except for this beauty, which is between the heads of the polytheists and under the opponents of the unbelievers, then the tongues of the heedless and the ignorant. And on the assumption of the confirmation of this statement, if you look carefully, you will see this confirmation about the whole, what he says - Az-Zakrah - that: There was no doubt that all the souls who believed in the statement were from the Prophets, Auliya and Asfiya and are. And then [58] in another position they say the saying - Ez-zikr -: All this is so that you do not object to the names on the Day of Resurrection, but consider what is behind the names of everything, even the mention of the Prophet, for that name is created by us. Allah descends