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And after confirming where is a good, blessed word, every time he mentions his support, and after that, when he is in it, he is inferred a lot, everyone is referring to it limited souls, remembering and inferring his love, and a sacred truth from all. And this is so clear that it is the first point of the truth, and you will never deny it. The state of it is a truthful tongue, and as for an act, we seek refuge in God, it is a liar. So ask forgiveness for what you thought, said, or wrote, and say: “Glory be to You, O God, O my God! Existence is from the unseen and the witnesses. So look upon me, O my God, with the moments of Your mercy and do not leave me with my breath and my air! Then purify me from the signs by which I became deprived of the Riyadh of Your connection and meeting You. And that You are the Powerful over whatever You want and that You are the Dominant and Subsisting.”