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(141) قل تالله انّي لمحبوبه والان يسمع ما ينزل من سمآء الوحي وينوح بما ارتكبتم في ايّامه خافوا الله ولا تكوننّ من المعتدين قل يا قوم ان لن تؤمنوا به لا تعترضوا عليه تالله يكفي ما اجتمع عليه من جنود الظّالمين (edit)
Say: By the righteousness of God! I, verily, am His5 Best-Beloved; and at this moment He listeneth to these verses descending from the Heaven of Revelation and bewaileth the wrongs ye have committed in these days. Fear God, and join not with the aggressor. Say: O people, should ye choose to disbelieve in Him,6 refrain at least from rising up against Him. By God! Sufficient are the hosts of tyranny that are leagued against Him! (edit) (141) Say, "By Allah, indeed I am beloved, and now listen to what descends from the heavens of revelation and lament for what you have committed in its days. Fear Allah, and do not be among the transgressors.

Say, 'O people, if you do not believe in it, do not oppose it. By Allah, what has gathered against it from the armies of the oppressors is sufficient." (edit)

(142) انّه قد انزل بعض الاحكام لئلا يتحرّك القلم الاعلى في هذا الظّهور الاّ على ذكر مقاماته العليا ومنظره الاسنى وانّا لمّا اردنا الفضل فصّلناها بالحقّ وخفّفنا ما اردناه لكم انّه لهو الفضّال الكريم (edit)
Verily, He7 revealed certain laws so that, in this Dispensation, the Pen of the Most High might have no need to move in aught but the glorification of His own transcendent Station and His most effulgent Beauty. Since, however, We have wished to evidence Our bounty unto you, We have, through the power of truth, set forth these laws with clarity and mitigated what We desire you to observe. He, verily, is the Munificent, the Generous. (edit) (142) Indeed, some rules have been revealed so that the Supreme Pen may not move in this revelation except to mention His lofty stations and His most beautiful view. When We wanted to show favor, We detailed it with the truth and lightened what We intended for you. Indeed, He is the Most Generous, the Noble. (edit)
(143) قد اخبركم من قبل بما ينطق به هذا الذّكر الحكيم قال وقوله الحقّ انّه ينطق في كلّ شأن انّه لا اله الاّ انا الفرد الواحد العليم الخبير هذا مقام خصّه الله لهذا الظّهور الممتنع البديع هذا من فضل الله ان انتم من العارفين هذا من امره المبرم واسمه الاعظم وكلمته العليا ومطلع اسمآئه الحسنى لو انتم من العالمين بل به تظهر المطالع والمشارق تفكّروا يا قوم فيما نزّل بالحقّ وتدبّروا فيه ولا تكوننّ من المعتدين (edit)
He8 hath previously made known unto you that which would be uttered by this Dayspring of Divine wisdom. He said, and He speaketh the truth: “He9 is the One Who will under all conditions proclaim: ‘Verily, there is none other God besides Me, the One, the Incomparable, the Omniscient, the All-Informed.’” This is a station which God hath assigned exclusively to this sublime, this unique and wondrous Revelation. This is a token of His bounteous favor, if ye be of them who comprehend, and a sign of His irresistible decree. This is His Most Great Name, His Most Exalted Word, and the Dayspring of His Most Excellent Titles, if ye could understand. Nay more, through Him every Fountainhead, every Dawning-place of Divine guidance is made manifest. Reflect, O people, on that which hath been sent down in truth; ponder thereon, and be not of the transgressors. (edit) 143 I have informed you before about what this Wise Reminder speaks. It says, the truthful word, "that it speaks in every matter that 'there is no god but Me, the Unique, the Singular, the Knowledgeable, the Aware.'"

This is a station that God has specifically assigned to this inaccessible, wondrous revelation. This is from the grace of God if you are among those who understand. This is from His definitive command, His greatest name, His highest word, and the rise of His most beautiful names if you are among the knowledgeable ones. Indeed, with it, the sunrises and the easts become visible. Reflect, O people, on what has been revealed with truth, and contemplate on it, and do not be among the transgressors. (edit)

(144) عاشروا مع الاديان بالرّوح والرّيحان ليجدوا منكم عرف الرّحمن ايّاكم ان تأخذكم حميّة الجاهليّة بين البريّة كلّ بدء من الله ويعود اليه انّه لمبدء الخلق ومرجع العالمين (edit)
Consort with all religions with amity and concord, that they may inhale from you the sweet fragrance of God. Beware lest amidst men the flame of foolish ignorance overpower you. All things proceed from God and unto Him they return. He is the source of all things and in Him all things are ended. (edit) (144) Live harmoniously with all religions in a spirit of peace and goodwill, so that they may find in you a reflection of the Most Merciful. Beware that the fervor of ignorance does not take hold of you amongst the innocent. Every beginning is from God, and to Him it will return. Indeed, He is the Initiator of creation and the return of all worlds. (edit)
(145) ايّاكم ان تدخلوا بيتاً عند فقدان صاحبه الاّ بعد اذنه تمسّكوا بالمعروف في كلّ الاحوال ولا تكوننّ من الغافلين (edit)
Take heed that ye enter no house in the absence of its owner, except with his permission. Comport yourselves with propriety under all conditions, and be not numbered with the wayward. (edit) (145) Do not enter a house if its owner is absent, except with his permission. Always adhere to what is known to be right in all circumstances, and do not be among the heedless. (edit)
(146) قد كتب عليكم تزكية الاقوات وما دونها بالزّكوة هذا ما حكم به منزل الايات في هذا الرّقّ المنيع سوف نفصّل لكم نصابها اذا شآء الله واراد انّه يفصّل ما يشآء بعلم من عنده انّه لهو العلاّمالحكيم (edit)
It hath been enjoined upon you to purify your means of sustenance and other such things through payment of Zakát. Thus hath it been prescribed in this exalted Tablet by Him Who is the Revealer of verses. We shall, if it be God’s will and purpose, set forth erelong the measure of its assessment. He, verily, expoundeth whatsoever He desireth by virtue of His own knowledge, and He, of a truth, is Omniscient and All-Wise. (edit) (146) It has been decreed upon you to purify your wealth and everything below it through almsgiving (Zakat). This is the ruling that has been given from the Revealer of Verses in this formidable scripture. We will elaborate its specific amount for you if God wills and intends. Indeed, He details what He wills with knowledge from Him, for He is the All-Knowing, the Wise. (edit)
(147) لا يحل السّؤال ومن سئل حرّم عليه العطآء قد كتب على الكلّ ان يكسب والّذي عجز فللوكلآء والاغنيآء ان يعيّنوا له ما يكفيه اعملوا حدود الله وسننه ثمّ احفظوها كما تحفظون اعينكم ولا تكوننّ من الخاسرين (edit)
It is unlawful to beg, and it is forbidden to give to him who beggeth. All have been enjoined to earn a living, and as for those who are incapable of doing so, it is incumbent on the Deputies of God and on the wealthy to make adequate provision for them. Keep ye the statutes and commandments of God; nay, guard them as ye would your very eyes, and be not of those who suffer grievous loss. (edit) (147) Asking for donations is not permissible, and if someone does ask, it is forbidden for them to receive. It has been decreed for everyone to earn, and those who are incapable, it is for the trustees and the wealthy to provide what is sufficient for them. Follow God's limits and His traditions, then guard them as you would guard your own eyes. And do not be among the losers. (edit)
(148) قد منعتم في الكتاب عن الجدال والنّزاع والضّرب وامثالها عمّا تحزن به الافئدة والقلوب من يحزن احداً فله ان ينفق تسعة عشر مثقالاً من الذّهب هذا ما حكم به مولى العالمين انّه قد عفا ذلك عنكم في هذا الظّهور ويوصيكم بالبرّ والتّقوى امراً من عنده في هذا اللّوح المنير لا ترضوا لاحد ما لا ترضونه لانفسكم اتّقوا الله ولا تكوننّ من المتكبّرين كلّكم خلقتم من المآء وترجعون الى التّراب تفكّروا في عواقبكم ولا تكوننّ من الظّالمين اسمعوا ما تتلو السّدرة عليكم من ايات الله انّها لقسطاس الهدى من الله ربّ الاخرة والاولى وبها تطير النّفوس الى مطلع الوحي وتستضيء افئدة المقبلين تلك حدود الله قد فرضت عليكم وتلك اوامر الله قد امرتم بها في اللّوح اعملوا بالرّوح والرّيحان هذا خير لكم ان انتم من العارفين (edit)
Ye have been forbidden in the Book of God to engage in contention and conflict, to strike another, or to commit similar acts whereby hearts and souls may be saddened. A fine of nineteen mithqáls of gold had formerly been prescribed by Him Who is the Lord of all mankind for anyone who was the cause of sadness to another; in this Dispensation, however, He hath absolved you thereof and exhorteth you to show forth righteousness and piety. Such is the commandment which He hath enjoined upon you in this resplendent Tablet. Wish not for others what ye wish not for yourselves; fear God, and be not of the prideful. Ye are all created out of water, and unto dust shall ye return. Reflect upon the end that awaiteth you, and walk not in the ways of the oppressor. Give ear unto the verses of God which He Who is the sacred Lote-Tree reciteth unto you. They are assuredly the infallible balance, established by God, the Lord of this world and the next. Through them the soul of man is caused to wing its flight towards the Dayspring of Revelation, and the heart of every true believer is suffused with light. Such are the laws which God hath enjoined upon you, such His commandments prescribed unto you in His Holy Tablet; obey them with joy and gladness, for this is best for you, did ye but know. (edit) (148) You are forbidden in the scripture from arguing, disputing, hitting, and similar actions that sadden the hearts and souls. If anyone causes sorrow to another, they must compensate with nineteen weights of gold. This is the ruling of the Master of the worlds. He has pardoned you in this appearance (revelation) and advises you to righteousness and piety, an order from Him in this enlightening tablet. Do not wish for anyone what you would not wish for yourself. Fear God and do not be among the arrogant. All of you were created from water and will return to the soil. Reflect on your consequences and do not be among the wrongdoers.

Listen to what the lote tree recites to you from the verses of God. Indeed, it is a criterion of guidance from God, the Lord of the hereafter and the first [life]. By it, souls fly to the source of revelation and the hearts of those facing [God] are illuminated. These are the boundaries of God, which are imposed on you. These are the orders of God, you are commanded to abide by them in the tablet. Act with spirit and fragrance; this is better for you if you are among those who understand. (edit)

(149) اتلوا ايات الله في كلّ صباح ومسآء انّ الّذي لم يتل لم يوف بعهد الله وميثاقه والّذي اعرض عنها اليوم انّه ممّن اعرض عن الله في ازل الازال اتّقنّ الله يا عبادي كلّكم اجمعون لا تغرّنّكم كثرة القرآئة والاعمال في اللّيل والنّهار لو يقرء احد اية من الايات بالرّوح والرّيحان خير له من ان يتلو بالكسالة صحف الله المهيمن القيّوم اتلوا ايات الله على قدر لا تأخذكم الكسالة والاحزان لا تحملوا على الارواح ما يكسلها ويثقلها بل ما يخفّها لتطير باجنحة الايات الى مطلع البيّنات هذا اقرب الى الله لو انتم تعقلون (edit)
Recite ye the verses of God every morn and eventide. Whoso faileth to recite them hath not been faithful to the Covenant of God and His Testament, and whoso turneth away from these holy verses in this Day is of those who throughout eternity have turned away from God. Fear ye God, O My servants, one and all. Pride not yourselves on much reading of the verses or on a multitude of pious acts by night and day; for were a man to read a single verse with joy and radiance it would be better for him than to read with lassitude all the Holy Books of God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. Read ye the sacred verses in such measure that ye be not overcome by languor and despondency. Lay not upon your souls that which will weary them and weigh them down, but rather what will lighten and uplift them, so that they may soar on the wings of the Divine verses towards the Dawning-place of His manifest signs; this will draw you nearer to God, did ye but comprehend. (edit) (149) Recite the verses of God every morning and evening. Indeed, he who does not recite does not fulfill the covenant of God and His pledge. And he who turns away from it today is indeed among those who turned away from God in the beginning of beginnings. Fear God, O my servants, all of you together.

Do not let the abundance of reading and deeds in the night and day deceive you. If one recites a verse from the verses with spirit and fragrance, it is better for him than to recite with laziness the scriptures of God, the Guardian, the Sustainer. Recite the verses of God to your capacity. Do not let laziness and sadness overcome you. Do not burden the souls with what makes them lethargic and heavy, but lighten them so that they may fly with the wings of the verses to the source of clarity. This is closer to God, if you understand. (edit)

(150) علّموا ذرّيّاتكم ما نزّل من سمآء العظمة والاقتدار ليقرئوا الواح الرّحمن باحسن الالحان في الغرف المبنيّة في مشارق الأذكار انّ الّذي اخذه جذب محبّة اسمي الرّحمن انّه يقرء ايات الله على شأن تنجذب به افئدة الرّاقدين هنيئاً لمن شرب رحيق الحيوان من بيان ربه الرّحمن بهذا الاسم الّذي به نسف كلّ جبل باذخ رفيع (edit)
Teach your children the verses revealed from the heaven of majesty and power, so that, in most melodious tones, they may recite the Tablets of the All-Merciful in the alcoves within the Mashriqu’l-Adhkárs. Whoever hath been transported by the rapture born of adoration for My Name, the Most Compassionate, will recite the verses of God in such wise as to captivate the hearts of those yet wrapped in slumber. Well is it with him who hath quaffed the Mystic Wine of everlasting life from the utterance of his merciful Lord in My Name—a Name through which every lofty and majestic mountain hath been reduced to dust. (edit) (150) Teach your offspring what has been revealed from the sky of majesty and power, so that they may read the tablets of the Merciful in the best of melodies in the built chambers in the east of remembrances.

Indeed, he who is pulled by the attraction of love to my name, the Merciful, indeed, he recites the verses of God in such a way that it attracts the hearts of the sleeping ones. Blessed is he who drinks the nectar of life from the statement of his Lord, the Merciful, by this name that has blown away every shining, elevated mountain. (edit)

(151) كتب عليكم تجديد اسباب البيت بعد انقضآء تسع عشرة سنة كذلك قضي الامر من لدن عليم خبير انّه اراد تلطيفكم وما عندكم اتّقوا الله ولا تكوننّ من الغافلين والّذي لم يستطع عفا الله عنه انّه لهو الغفور الكريم (edit)
Ye have been enjoined to renew the furnishings of your homes after the passing of each nineteen years; thus hath it been ordained by One Who is Omniscient and All-Perceiving. He, verily, is desirous of refinement, both for you yourselves and for all that ye possess; lay not aside the fear of God and be not of the negligent. Whoso findeth that his means are insufficient to this purpose hath been excused by God, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Bounteous. (edit) (151) It has been decreed upon you to renew the foundations of the house after the lapse of nineteen years. Thus, the matter has been decided by the all-knowing, all-aware one. He wished to make things easier for you and what you possess. Be mindful of God and do not be among the heedless. And for the one who is not able, God has pardoned him. Indeed, He is the most forgiving, the most generous. (edit)
(152) اغسلوا ارجلكم كلّ يوم في الصّيف وفي الشّتآء كلّ ثلثة ايّام مرّة واحدة (edit)
Wash your feet once every day in summer, and once every three days during winter. (edit) (152) Wash your feet every day in the summer, and during the winter, once every three days. (edit)
(153) ومن اغتاظ عليكم قابلوه بالرّفق والّذي زجركم لا تزجروه دعوه بنفسه وتوكّلوا على الله المنتقم العادل القدير (edit)
Should anyone wax angry with you, respond to him with gentleness; and should anyone upbraid you, forbear to upbraid him in return, but leave him to himself and put your trust in God, the omnipotent Avenger, the Lord of might and justice. (edit) (153) If someone is angry with you, respond to them with gentleness. If someone rebukes you, do not rebuke them in return. Leave them to their own devices and place your trust in God, the just avenger, the almighty. (edit)
(154) قد منعتم عن الارتقآء الى المنابر من اراد ان يتلو عليكم ايات ربّه فليقعد على الكرسيّ الموضوع على السّرير ويذكر الله ربّهوربّ العالمين قد احبّ الله جلوسكم على السّرر والكراسيّ لعزّ ما عندكم من حبّ الله ومطلع امره المشرق المنير (edit)
Ye have been prohibited from making use of pulpits. Whoso wisheth to recite unto you the verses of his Lord, let him sit on a chair placed upon a dais, that he may make mention of God, his Lord, and the Lord of all mankind. It is pleasing to God that ye should seat yourselves on chairs and benches as a mark of honor for the love ye bear for Him and for the Manifestation of His glorious and resplendent Cause. (edit) (154) You are prohibited from ascending to pulpits. If someone wishes to recite the verses of their Lord to you, let them sit on a chair placed on a platform and mention God, their Lord and the Lord of the worlds. God has preferred your seating on platforms and chairs, honoring what you have of love for God and the source of His radiant command. (edit)
(155) حرّم عليكم الميسر والافيون اجتنبوا يا معشر الخلق ولا تكوننّ من المتجاوزين ايّاكم ان تستعملوا ما تكسل به هياكلكم ويضرّ ابدانكم انّا ما اردنا لكم الاّ ما ينفعكم يشهد بذلك كلّ الاشيآء لو انتم تسمعون (edit)
Gambling and the use of opium have been forbidden unto you. Eschew them both, O people, and be not of those who transgress. Beware of using any substance that induceth sluggishness and torpor in the human temple and inflicteth harm upon the body. We, verily, desire for you naught save what shall profit you, and to this bear witness all created things, had ye but ears to hear. (edit) (155) Gambling and opium are forbidden to you. Avoid them, O assembly of creation, and do not be among those who transgress. Beware of using anything that dulls your faculties and harms your bodies. We desire nothing for you but what is beneficial to you. Everything testifies to this if you would but listen. (edit)
(156) اذا دعيتم الى الولآئم والعزآئم اجيبوا بالفرح والانبساط والّذي وفى بالوعد انّه امن من الوعيد هذا يوم فيه فصّل كلّ امر حكيم (edit)
Whensoever ye be invited to a banquet or festive occasion, respond with joy and gladness, and whoever fulfilleth his promise will be safe from reproof. This is a Day on which each of God’s wise decrees hath been expounded. (edit) (156) When you are invited to banquets and gatherings, respond with joy and cheerfulness. Those who fulfill their promises are safe from threats. This is a day in which every wise matter is detailed. (edit)
(157) قد ظهر سرّ التّنكيس لرمز الرّئيس طوبى لمن ايّده الله على الاقرار بالسّتّة الّتي ارتفعت بهذه الالف القآئمه الا انّه من المخلصين كم من ناسك اعرض وكم من تارك اقبل وقال لك الحمد يا مقصود العالمين انّ الامر بيد الله يعطي من يشآء ما يشآء ويمنع عمّن يشآء ما اراد يعلم خافية القلوب وما يتحرّك به اعين اللاّمزين كم من غافل اقبل بالخلوص اقعدناه على سرير القبول وكم من عاقل رجعناه الى النّار عدلاً من عندنا انّا كنّا حاكمين انّه لمظهر يفعل الله ما يشآء والمستقرّ على عرش يحكم ما يريد (edit)
Behold, the “mystery of the Great Reversal in the Sign of the Sovereign” hath now been made manifest. Well is it with him whom God hath aided to recognize the “Six” raised up by virtue of this “Upright Alif”; he, verily, is of those whose faith is true. How many the outwardly pious who have turned away, and how many the wayward who have drawn nigh, exclaiming: “All praise be to Thee, O Thou the Desire of the worlds!” In truth, it is in the hand of God to give what He willeth to whomsoever He willeth, and to withhold what He pleaseth from whomsoever He may wish. He knoweth the inner secrets of the hearts and the meaning hidden in a mocker’s wink. How many an embodiment of heedlessness who came unto Us with purity of heart have We established upon the seat of Our acceptance; and how many an exponent of wisdom have We in all justice consigned to the fire. We are, in truth, the One to judge. He it is Who is the manifestation of “God doeth whatsoever He pleaseth,” and abideth upon the throne of “He ordaineth whatsoever He chooseth.” (edit) (157) The secret of reversal has been revealed for the symbol of the chief. Blessed is he whom God has supported to acknowledge the six, which have risen with this standing 'Alif'. Surely, he is from the sincere ones. How many devout people have turned away, and how many neglectful ones have turned towards, and said to You, "Praise be to You, O Ultimate Goal of the worlds". Indeed, the matter is in the hands of God, He gives to whom He wills what He wills, and He withholds from whom He wills what He wills. He knows what is hidden in the hearts and what the eyes of the scrutinizers move towards.

How many heedless ones have sincerely turned towards us, we have seated them on the bed of acceptance, and how many wise ones we have returned to the fire, as a matter of justice from us, indeed we have been judges. Surely, He is the Manifest, God does what He wills, and the One established on the throne rules as He wishes. (edit)

(158) طوبى لمن وجد عرف المعاني من اثر هذا القلم الّذي اذا تحرّك فاحت نسمة الله فيما سواه واذا توقّف ظهرت كينونة الاطمينان في الامكان تعالى الرّحمن مظهر هذا الفضل العظيم قل بما حمل الظّلم ظهر العدل فيما سواه وبما قبل الذّلّة لاح عزّ الله بين العالمين (edit)
Blessed is the one who discovereth the fragrance of inner meanings from the traces of this Pen through whose movement the breezes of God are wafted over the entire creation, and through whose stillness the very essence of tranquillity appeareth in the realm of being. Glorified be the All-Merciful, the Revealer of so inestimable a bounty. Say: Because He bore injustice, justice hath appeared on earth, and because He accepted abasement, the majesty of God hath shone forth amidst mankind. (edit) (158) Blessed is he who has found the knowledge of meanings from the trace of this pen, which when moves, the breath of God is spread in what is beyond it, and when it stops, the essence of tranquility appears in the places. Exalted is the Most Merciful, the manifestor of this great favor. Say: with what the darkness carried, the back of justice appeared in what is beyond it, and with what accepted the humiliation, the honor of God shone between the worlds. (edit)
(159) حرّم عليكم حمل الات الحرب الاّ حين الضّرورة واحلّ لكم لبس الحرير قد رفع الله عنكم حكم الحدّ في اللّباس واللّحى فضلاً من عنده انّه لهو الامر العليم اعملوا ما لا تنكره العقول المستقيمة ولا تجعلوا انفسكم ملعب الجاهلين طوبى لمن تزيّن بطراز الاداب والاخلاق انّه ممّن نصر ربّه بالعمل الواضح المبين (edit)
It hath been forbidden you to carry arms unless essential, and permitted you to attire yourselves in silk. The Lord hath relieved you, as a bounty on His part, of the restrictions that formerly applied to clothing and to the trim of the beard. He, verily, is the Ordainer, the Omniscient. Let there be naught in your demeanor of which sound and upright minds would disapprove, and make not yourselves the playthings of the ignorant. Well is it with him who hath adorned himself with the vesture of seemly conduct and a praiseworthy character. He is assuredly reckoned with those who aid their Lord through distinctive and outstanding deeds. (edit) (159) It is forbidden for you to carry weapons of war except in times of necessity, and it is permissible for you to wear silk. God has lifted from you the rule of limitation in dress and beard, as a favor from Him. Indeed, He is the All-Knowing Commander. Do what is not condemned by upright minds, and do not make yourselves a playground for the ignorant. Blessed is the one who adorns himself with the embroidery of manners and ethics, indeed he is among those who supported his Lord with clear and manifest deeds. (edit)
(160) عمّروا ديار الله وبلاده ثمّ اذكروه فيها بترنّمات المقرّبين انمّا تعمّر القلوب باللّسان كما تعمّر البيوت والدّيار باليد واسباب اخر قد قدّرنا لكلّ شيء سبباً من عندنا تمسّكوا به وتوكّلوا على الحكيم الخبير (edit)
Promote ye the development of the cities of God and His countries, and glorify Him therein in the joyous accents of His well-favored ones. In truth, the hearts of men are edified through the power of the tongue, even as houses and cities are built up by the hand and other means. We have assigned to every end a means for its accomplishment; avail yourselves thereof, and place your trust and confidence in God, the Omniscient, the All-Wise. (edit) (160) Construct the houses of God and His lands, then remember Him therein with the melodies of those drawn near. Indeed, hearts are built by the tongue, just as houses and dwellings are built by hand and other means. We have predetermined a cause for everything from Us. Hold on to it and rely on the Wise, the All-Knowing. (edit)

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