It is necessary for every soul to avoid the evil soul of the polytheist, because they have appeared with a trick that is not possible to create a simile. As it is written from the land of Sa'ad to His Highness Asmillah Asid Mahdi - peace be upon him - Bahá'u'lláh - that Umm al-Fawahsh and written errors were sent to this land, the content of which was a tablet buried in his house in the handwriting of the Most High, and I have brought that tablet out. And in that tablet there are some famous phrases related to the first point that were written by Talaat Abhi on the order of Mirza Yahya. By God, there is no god but Him. And after the infinitive of the command, it is ordered that they go and tell him from which place he took that tablet out of the house and look at it, lest he repent in his breath and make me repent. They have rebelled against slander so much! And these matters are the recipes that Mirza Yahya writes and sends from here. God's curse on the liars and liars. So, he will absolve them of the point of the statement on the Throne of Heaven and say: "Woe to you, O Mullah of the polytheists, and woe to you, O Mullah of the Al-Mushrikin!"