Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 410
Say: Indeed, it is He who the Names take pride in a servant from among His servants if they are attributed to Him or named after Him, and you did not perceive in yourself and were among the outcasts. Say: By God, indeed I am 'Ali in the Kingdom of Eternity and Muhammad in the Dominion of the Names, then the Spirit in the cities of eternity, then Hussein in this Great Appearance. And we have other names in the realms of the ancient, which no one has ever known except the Unique, the Knowing, the Expert God. Die in your envy, O heedless one! Indeed, the nobility which is destined for the Names is because of their attribution to my esteemed and knowledgeable Self. And no name has risen in the Kingdom except by its orientation towards the sanctified, exalted, mighty, and impregnable part. By my soul, every good name returns to my Self, and every wondrous mention ends with my beauty if you are among the certain.