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For example, the people of Torah have argued that after Moses, there will not be a soul with the Sharia, and any soul who comes must promote his Sharia. And also they have specified signs that the soul of the emergence should appear with those signs and therefore they were prohibited from the mysticism of the manifestations of the emergence. What is the appearance of the soul of the manifestation of Allah and will, but not with the people. And also the people of Anjil believe that Jesus himself descends from the sky after the darkness of the sun and the darkness of the moon and the fall of the planets. And also the Furqan nation, who never believed in the appearance of a Shariat and they say that a soul was born a thousand years before Narjes Khatun [108] and is now present in Jabalqa and Jabalsa and is waiting for God's permission to appear, and He comes and promotes the law of the Messenger of God, that is, the same law that is in hand. And signs have been mentioned in this position that if the details are mentioned, a book should be written.