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And after two days, he renounced the mentioned name between the present hand and the slander that they had given him and swore that "what they have given about this servant is a lie." And Jamal Abhi Kamal said to him kindly, and he received what was in the record and returned to his home. After a few days, the said soul tricked him and brought him from Kazemin, and martyred that poor person near the house of Murshidat. For God's sake, after his martyrdom, a dust rose in Iraq and it became a kind of darkness that turned day into night. And in the markets of Saraj, all the people of Iraq were afraid, anxious, and trembling, shouting "Ya Allah!" They shouted and shouted, both from men and women, that it is because of the oppression of this oppressor that this calamity has descended on Iraq. And Murshid did not feel it and did not wake up from the sleep of neglect. And Allah made him a martyr with such cruelty that the heavens were filled with fear, lamentation and mourning, yet he was not warned.