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O careless sleeper, know that the divine measure of his soul and our appearance has been and will be. All of that, by the way, if you know it. And if in fact a soul observes the point of his statement and commandments, if all the worlds turn to him like a prince and tear all his members [40] into pieces, there will be no stop in this appearance. Because what Markum has said and which has been sent down from the heaven of providence, the whole has been and will be clear about this great revelation. And if you do not observe the statement, and you deny the divine proof that all the prophets and messengers have given, and you do not consider the ayat of God, which has been revealed and is still the proof of the court, then the fatwa we have with you is that you are among the truthful. Of course, it is necessary for you to bring the amount and the proof that you prove your truth with today. By God, you can't and you can't. All things are in His hand, and all things are in the palm of His power, and we know His creation, and all the clairvoyant witnesses to this.