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You have passed this explicit order that is now available and by the truth of the speaker, you have passed it and closed your eyes [36] and you have opened the door of interpretation, which is still weak and ill, in your face. As if he has lied to you, and yet you write and consider it true. Among other things, a piece of paper arrived from there. It was not clear who it was from, who wrote it, and whether it was unmarked or anonymous. But some fake words were recorded in that paper, and it is clear that it was inspired by Satan. And that forger, who is not known, wrote on his inspiration. The writer himself is aware of this lie and you are also aware, and yet you have considered him to be right, and you want to refer to him my right against truth. Now notice that there is confusion in the explicit matter. We ask Allah to open your heart and support you on the wisdom of the manifestation of His Self and make you one of the winners.