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When you think about the utterances of the divine verses, as they are clear, and the ambiguities are continual, and you know those who took the ambiguities and left the ambiguities behind, and they were of the polytheists. Where is the station of a loved one who is seizing from the verses of the Qur’an like the sky of Mashit Abhi [30] - His greatness is glorified - He descends with a heavy mention of gossip. God is sufficient for all creatures. A man of faith like an atom of divine love in his heart or as strong as his body clings to it, fear of the thoughts of the people of the earth and their conspiracies, manifestations of a devil that escaped, and a dirder of faith that is firm and unshakable, and the witness of which trembles. And where are some of the verses of His House, written in a tablet of love for one of the wretched, descending into distress, His saying, Glory be to Him: And if you see the name of Al-Haa, remind him of the signs of your Lord, perhaps he will be among those who approach the part of that. The spirit then spoke between the heavens and the earth. Say: O slave, listen to my words! By God, the Truth, you will not find a mentor more sincere than me. Do not stop on the Sirat, then pass by it like the passing of the clouds! Thus We commanded you before and we commanded you then. And if you will not accept it from me, then we will command you to do so after and after until you pass through my authority, the victorious, the powerful, the wise.