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And if you say that the verses of the judgments are the commands of God, which are revealed in the tablets, there is no doubt about that. And these courts are strict compared to the ruling of al-Hakim[27]. As it is evident that if a person becomes knowledgeable about all the verses of the mystics and stops at confirming the greatest verse or the least of it, all his actions will not bear fruit and will be and will be in vain. And that soul, whose verses have been and will be judgments, says: All statements are a sheet from the papers of Paradise in the eyes of that naive being. And in another position, he says: We have sent down the statement subject to the order and suspended by permission and will. And in another position, he says, addressing Lamla Al-Bayan, that you should not be deprived of the promised appearance by the Bayan and our revelation in it. And the likes of these statements of the courts are more than the limit of numbers, and yet the soul that all the courts have appeared by his will and all the streams of knowledge and expression flowing from one of the fingers of his providence, have been exposed and understood and perceived by the courts in their own opinion.