Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 486

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Among those souls is one written by the esteemed Hajj Mulla Hashem. The petitions that have come from him to the seat of the throne are now present, and nothing but the greatest submission has appeared from him. O claimant of mysticism, you have wasted all the mystics. It was heard that one of the wise men was in the land of Sad and the scholars of that land had declared that poor destitute person an unbeliever and ordered his expulsion, and a group attacked that poor person. Among those souls was Mulla Ali Hakim Nouri, who was famous. The oppressed one did not say a word to any of the scholars at that time but paid attention to the aforementioned wise man and said a word that is not beloved to mention. And his purpose was: "You consider yourself wise, so why do you object to the wise one?" Now, with these objections, you also claim wisdom and mysticism. Repent to God who created you and formed you, and do not object to those who believe in God and His verses, and who have faced in His way what no one of the worlds can count. The confirmation or denial of souls has never been and will never be sufficient by imitation. There is a cursing lord whose curse returns to himself, and there is a rejecting lord whose rejection returns to him while he does not feel it in himself and is among the heedless.