Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 357

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O heedless one, who is unaware of the abundance of meanings, do not consider the divine words as false or futile, and perceive yourself incapable of understanding them. Seek from the source and mine of divine knowledge, whoever sees themselves incapable of understanding, so that perhaps you will not remain thirsty from the effusions of the ocean of meanings and not be drowned and perish in the seas of Satan's whisperings. There has never been and will never be a single letter of what has been revealed that is void; rather, the divine meanings are hidden in every letter of the sublime words. And only one with great power can bring them forth. And if you want to observe void and decay in the revealed words and manifestations of power, it is better to observe the veiled selves first. Say: Set up your mirror facing your face, so that you may see your blemishes and recognize what is in it. Perhaps you will succeed in returning and be repentant, turning back, confessing, acknowledging, and submissive in your sins and misdeeds. Indeed, He is the Most-Forgiving, the Most-Merciful.