Unnamed Tablet to Varqa from Jun 28 1881/Page1

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Note: The tablet is currently unnamed, the name under which it is found in the Bahá'í Reference Library is its opening words.

Paragraph Persian GPT4_ {{{4}}}
النّاظر الی وجه اللّه البهیّ الأبهی جناب الورقآء علیه بهآء اللّه مالک العرش و الثّری (edit)
To the Observer of the Face of God, the Most Glorious, the All-Glorious, His Honor Varqá, upon him be the Glory of God, the Owner of the Throne and the Earth. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بسم ربّنا الأقدس الأعظم العلیّ الأبهی (edit)
In the Name of our Lord, the Most Holy, the Greatest, the Most High, the All-Glorious. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
حمد مقدّس از ذکر و اصغا مالک اسماء را لایق و سزاست که از آفتاب آسمان علم عالم انسان را منوّر فرمود و سماء دانائی را بانجم بینائی مطرّز نمود جهان دانش نزد قطره‌ئی از دریای دانائی او خود را جاهل و ابکم و الکن مشاهده نماید و عالم بینائی نزد ظهور نقطۀ کتابش خود را اعمی و اصم ملاحظه کند عند ظهور اختیارش یفعل ما یشآء متحیّر و مبهوت و عند بروز اقتدارش یحکم ما یرید منصعق و مطروح عرصۀ معانی از حرکت قلم اعلی متزلزل و ملکوت عرفان نزد اشعّۀ انوار شمس بیانش خاضع و خاشع نسیم قمیصش حدائق قلوب عشّاق را تازه و خرّم نموده و عرف عنایتش ممالک جان را معطّر فرموده از یک ذکرش آسمان دانش مرتفع گشته و از یک ندایش جهان پژمرده تازه شده زهی جسارت که خادم فانی در این مقام نطق نماید و زهی خسارت که خود را از اهل حیات شمرد مردگانیم در فنای عشق افتاده و مدهوش تا کوثر بیان چه کرم مبذول دارد هیکل فانی را بعدم راجع کند یا حیات پاینده عطا فرماید الأمر بیده یعطی و یمنع و هو الآمر الحاکم النّاظر الشّاهد الخبیر (edit)
Praise be sanctified from remembrance and listening is fitting and due to the Owner of Names, who has illuminated the world of humanity with the sun of the sky of knowledge and adorned the heaven of wisdom with the stars of vision. The world of knowledge, next to a drop from the ocean of His wisdom, perceives itself as ignorant, mute, and dumb, and the world of vision, in the presence of the manifestation of the point of His Book, sees itself as blind and deaf. At the emergence of His will, He does what He wishes, astonished and amazed; and upon the display of His power, He decrees what He desires, stunned and cast down. The arena of meanings is shaken by the motion of the Highest Pen, and the kingdom of gnosis before the rays of the lights of His Sun of Explanation is submissive and humble. The breeze of His garment has refreshed and enlivened the gardens of the hearts of lovers, and the fragrance of His benevolence has perfumed the realms of the soul. By one mention of Him, the heaven of knowledge is elevated, and by one call of His, the withered world is rejuvenated. What audacity it is for a mortal servant to speak in this station, and what loss it is to consider oneself among the living—we are dead, fallen in the annihilation of love and intoxicated until what generosity the Kawthar of Explanation will bestow, either returning the mortal frame to nothingness or granting everlasting life. The matter is in His hands; He gives and withholds, and He is the Commander, the Ruler, the Observer, the Witness, the All-Knowing. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
از حقّ جلّ جلاله فضل و رحمت و شفقت و عنایت و الطاف و مواهبش را این خادم فانی سائل و آمل است در لیالی و ایّام بکمال عجز و ابتهال تأیید اصفیا و اولیا را مسئلت مینماید تا کل بذکر و ثنا و خدمت امر قیام نمایند و به ما اراده اللّه عامل شوند انشآءاللّه امید است که نفوس مقدّسۀ منقطعۀ مطمئنّه از رحیق بیان سرمست شده در عرصۀ امکان درآیند و جمیع ادیان را بافق رحمن هدایت نمایند حبّذا هذا الیوم المبارک حبّذا هذا الیوم المقدّس الّذی فیه سرت النّسمة و نطق لسان الأحدیّة و ظهر ما کان مکنوناً فی خزائن قدرة ربّنا المقتدر القدیر (edit)
From the truth of His Glory, this mortal servant seeks and hopes for His grace, mercy, compassion, favor, kindness, and gifts during the nights and days with utmost humility and supplication. I request the support of the chosen ones and the friends so that everyone may rise in remembrance, praise, and service of the Cause, and act according to the will of God, God willing. It is hoped that the sanctified souls, detached and assured, intoxicated by the elixir of Explanation, will emerge into the arena of possibility and guide all religions towards the horizon of the Merciful. Blessed is this auspicious day, blessed is this holy day, in which the breeze has blown and the tongue of Oneness has spoken, and what was hidden in the treasuries of the power of our Almighty, Capable Lord has been revealed. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
سبحانک یا من الیک توجّهت الأشیآء و بک انشقّت الأرض و انفطرت السّمآء و الی بحر اسمک الأعظم سرعت حقائق الأسمآء اسئلک باسمک القیّوم و سلطانک المهیمن علی ما کان و ما یکون بأن تکتب لأولیائک من قلمک الأعلی ما ینفعهم فی الآخرة و الأولی ای ربّ تری احبّتک بین اشقیآء خلقک و تسمع صریخهم و ضجیجهم و حنینهم فی ایّامک اسئلک بالاسم الّذی به سخّرت الوجود من ممالک الغیب و الشّهود بأن تکشف الحجاب عن وجوه عبادک و خلقک لیتوجّهوا الیک و یسمعوا ندائک الأحلی الّذی ارتفع بین الأرض و السّمآء ای ربّ خلّصهم عمّا یمنعهم عن التّقرّب الیک و الوفود فی فنآء قباب عظمتک ای ربّ فاکشف لهم کما کشفت لأولیائک و عرّفهم نفسک و ما اظهرته بقدرتک و سلطانک انت الّذی لا تعجزک الشّئونات و لا تمنعک الاشارات تفعل ما تشآء و تحکم ما ترید و عندک علم کلّشیء فی کتاب ما اطّلع به الّا نفسک لا اله الّا انت العلیم الخبیر (edit)
Glorified be Thou, O Thou towards whom all things turn, by Thee the earth split and the heavens burst, and to the sea of Thy Greatest Name rushed the realities of names. I ask Thee by Thy Name, the Ever-Lasting, and Thy Sovereignty, the Dominant over what was and what will be, to grant Thy friends from Thy Highest Pen what benefits them in the Hereafter and this life. O Lord, You see Your loved ones among the wretched of Your creation, and You hear their cries, their clamor, and their longing during Your days. I ask Thee by the Name with which You have subdued existence from the realms of the unseen and the witnessed, that You lift the veil from the faces of Your servants and Your creation so they may turn towards Thee and hear Your sweetest call, which has risen between the earth and the heavens. O Lord, deliver them from what prevents them from drawing near to Thee and arriving in the annihilation under the domes of Thy greatness. O Lord, reveal to them as You have revealed to Your friends, let them know Thyself and what You have manifested by Your power and sovereignty. You are He who is not thwarted by contingencies nor are You prevented by signs. You do what You wish and decree what You desire, and with You is the knowledge of everything in a book accessed by none but Yourself. There is no god but You, the All-Knowing, the All-Aware. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
یا محبوب قلبی و حبیب فؤادی قد اخبرنی صفیر طیر بیانک و علّمنی هدیر عندلیب ذکرک و ثنائک ما سرّنی بسرور عجز الخادم عن وصفه علی ما هو علیه یشهد بذلک محبوبک و محبوبنا و مقصودک و مقصودنا و مقصود من فی السّموات و الأرضین فلمّا هزّتنی اریاح المحبّة و اجتذبنی ما نطقت به فی ثنآء مالک الأحدیّة اخذت الکتاب و اقبلت الی العزیز الوهّاب الی ان دخلت و حضرت تلقآء العرش و عرضت ما فیه اذاً توجّه الیّ وجه المحبوب قال جلّ کبریائه یا ورقآء قد ظهر ما هو الموعود فی الکتاب و اظهر ما عجز عن عرفانه اولوا الألباب لعمره قد اتی بآیات طاف حولها امّ الکتاب یا ورقآء انّ الکتاب ینطق و النّاس هم لا یفقهون و المیزان ینادی و هم لا یشعرون و الصّراط یصیح و هم لا یفقهون قد نبذوا الواح اللّه عن ورائهم و اخذوا ما امروا به من مطالع الظّنون الّذین جادلوا بآیات اللّه و نقضوا میثاقه و انکروا امره الّذی احاط الوجود قل هذا یوم فیه ماج بحر الحیوان امام وجه الرّحمن و جری فرات العلم و البیان عن یمین العرش ان انتم تعلمون هذا یوم فیه ظهر ما لا ظهر من قبل و اشرقت من افق سمآء السّجن شمس الحکمة و البرهان و ملأ الأدیان هم عنها معرضون قل یا اهل الأرض قوموا عن مقاعدکم ثمّ اقبلوا الی الأفق الأعلی تاللّه انّه انار باسم ربّنا الأقدس الأبهی ایّاکم ان تمنعکم شئونات الوری عن مالک الغیب و الشّهود قل انّه ظهر بالحقّ و لا یمنعه ظلم العلمآء و لا شوکة الأمرآء و لا سطوة الّذین اعرضوا عن الحقّ علّام الغیوب قل هذا یوم البیان قوموا عن رقد الهوی ثمّ اذکروا مالک الأسمآء انّه خیر لکم لو انتم تعرفون هذا یوم فیه قام کل قائم لخدمة الأمر و نطق کلّ ناطق بثنآء اللّه المهیمن القیّوم قل یا قوم ضعوا ما عرفتموه من قبل و خذوا ما ترونه الیوم فی مقامه المحمود یا ورقآء قد حضر العبد الحاضر بکتابک و قرأه لدی الوجه انّ ربّک لهو السّمیع قد سمعنا ذکرک و ثنائک و مناجاتک و وجدنا عرف حبّک و خضوعک و خشوعک و اقبالک الی اللّه ربّ العالمین قد شهد کلّ کلمة من کلماتک لعظمة اللّه و سلطانه و ظهوره و بروزه و کبریائه انّ ربّک لهو العلیم ان افرح بهذا الذّکر الّذی به جری کوثر الحیوان فی الامکان و هدرت طیر البقآء علی الأغصان انّه لا اله الّا انا الفرد الخبیر انّا ذکرناک بعد رجوعک فی الواح شتّی بذکر انجذبت به افئدة العارفین کن قائماً علی خدمة امر ربّک و ناطقاً بثنائه و هادیاً الی سبیله المستقیم یا ورقآء در ایّامیکه ملأ بیان از سطوت اهل ادیان مضطرب و پریشان اینمظلوم فرداً واحداً بر امر قیام نمود بشأنیکه منع علما و ضوضای عرفا و ظلم امرا او را از ما اراد منع ننمود انّ قلمی الأعلی قد جال فیکلّ الأحیان فی میدان الحکمة و البیان الی ان اسمع الکلّ ندائه و اظهر للکلّ حجّته و برهانه در بعض سنین بلایائی وارد که غیر علم الهی از احصای آن قاصر و عاجز مع‌ذلک قلم در لیالی و ایّام از حرکت بازنماند و لسان صمت اختیار ننمود و چون کلمۀ علیا انتشار یافت و اعلام ذکر و ثنا بر اعلی الأعلام منصوب و شمس اطمینان فی‌الجمله اشراق نمود نعیب غراب و طنین ذباب از خلف حجاب ظاهر قسم بندای مالک اسماء که از شطر سجن مرتفعست بشأنی خوف و اضطراب نفوس غافله را اخذ نموده بود که دیار بدیار میدویدند و از جبل بجبل پناه میجستند حال بکمال ضغینه و بغضا ظاهر گشته‌اند و در اضلال نفوس بهر وسیله‌ئی متمسّکند عجب است از نفوسیکه بمصدر ظنون و مطلع اوهام تشبّث نموده‌اند قد خسر الّذین کفروا باللّه و آیاته و سلطانه و عظمته و اقتداره و اتّبعوا من هو اخسر منهم لدی اللّه العلیّ العظیم انتهی یا حبیب فؤادی فی‌الحقیقه عباد باوهام راغب‌ترند از ظهورات یقین جمیع اهل بیان مطّلعند که این عبد با نفس مستوره بوده و در سنین متوالیه غیر این عبد کسی با او نبوده مع‌ذلک از نفوسیکه ابداً اطّلاع نداشته و ندارند آنچه بگویند میپذیرند و از اینعبد تا حال احدی از آن نفوس سؤال ننموده تا مطّلع شود بر آنچه الیوم از او غافل و محجوب است فوالّذی انطق الأشیآء بذکره و ثنائه که مطیعین مع قلّت درایتشان چندین رتبه اعلی و ارفع از مطاعشان مشاهده میشوند فوالّذی نفسی بیده للّه گفته و للّه عرض مینمایم که شاید بعضی بقوّت بیان حجبات را خرق نمایند و بانوار فجر یوم الهی و ما ظهر فیه فائز شوند انشآءاللّه حقّ جلّ جلاله تأیید فرماید تا بمقام اطفؤوا سراج الأوهام قد طلع صبح الیقین فائز شوند ولکن هیهات هیهات چه که اغراض نفسانیّه اغماض آورد و حجبات اوهامیّه قلب و بصر را از مشاهده منع نمود بعضی از احزاب که باوهام و ظنون تربیت شده‌اند بسیار مشکلست نجات ایشان چه که بسلاسل ظنون و قیود اوهام مقیّد مشاهده میشوند و حزب فرقان احجب از جمیع ملل دیده میشوند چه که امام وجوههم قصص فارغة و عن ورائهم اخبار کاذبة و عن یمینهم اذکار ظنونیّة و عن یسارهم افکار وهمیّة این ایّام در اینمقامات اینکلمۀ مقدّسۀ مبارکه از افق ارادۀ منزل آیات اشراق نمود قوله جلّ کبریائه از جعفر برادر عسکری سؤال نمودند که آیا از برادر تو اولادی ماند فرمودند طفلی بود و فوت شد بعد که هیاکل مجعوله اینکلمه را شنیدند تکذیب نمودند و او را کذّاب نامیدند ملاحظه نمائید که ظلم بچه مقام بود و افترا بچه رتبه رسید بعد ذکر ناحیۀ مقدّسه و ظهور تواقیع بمیان آمد بهمان تفصیلات که از قبل شنیدید حقّ انصاف عنایت کند امثال آن نفوس را که ناس بیچاره را در تیه ظنون و اوهام سرگردان نمودند و اتبّ از ابی‌لهب گذاشتند حال مدّتها هم این لقب کذّاب از برای آن ناطق صادق مابین آل فرعون خواهد بود این نفوس مجعولۀ کذبه بهمان تشبّثات متشبّثند اصل مشیشان بهمان طریق و سبیل است باید نفوس مقبله را آگاه نمود تا مطّلع شوند و بوساوس حزب شیطان از ما اراده اللّه محروم نمانند قسم بروشنی آفتاب عدل مقصود اینمظلوم آنکه نفوس قویّه بر امر قیام نمایند و ناس را از شرّ شیاطین حفظ کنند تا بمقامی وارد شوند که خود را از آنچه گذشته مستغنی مشاهده نمایند و غیر حقّ را معدوم و مفقود شمرند بگو ای دوستان بافق امر ناظر باشید و به ما ظهر منه اینست وصیّت حقّ دوستان خود را و در مقام دیگر اینکلمۀ علیا از افق سماء بیان مولی الوری اشراق نمود قوله جلّ کبریائه تا حال حجباتیکه مابین اهل فرقان بوده تمام آنرا خرق ننمودیم و اصنام اوهام را بتمامه نشکستیم اگر این دو واقع شود وربّ العالمین ملأ البیان یرون انفسهم فی اسفل السّافلین بعضی را اصبع قدرت خرق نمود و عضد قوّت از هم ریخت ولکن بسیاری باقی و برقرار است اگر استعداد در اهل بیان مشاهده میشد هرآینه کل بعرفان آنچه لدی الحقّ مذکور است فائز میشدند ولکنّ اللّه یشهد انّهم احجب من حزب الفرقان و من سایر الملل و انا المحصی العلیم انتهی بشأنی اوهام اهل فرقان را احاطه نموده که هر صاحب قلمی از ذکر آن عاجز مخصوص حزبیکه خود را ناجی میشمرند اهل سنّة و جماعت را عقیده آنست که حضرت قائم باید متولّد شود چه که میگویند از رسول اللّه روح ما سواه فداه حدیثیکه مدلّ بر وجود آنحضرت باشد در جابلقا و یا جابلسا و یا مقام دیگر دیده نشده بلکه حدیث سیّد البشر علیه بهآء اللّه مالک القدر و همچنین روایت شیخ اکبر مشعر بر تولّد قائم در بلاد عجم است چه مقدار از نفوس مقدّسه را که بتولّد قائل شدند بظلم آشکار شهید نمودند عجب در اینست مع آنکه مشاهده مینمایند که فئۀ ناجیه فئۀ طاغیۀ باغیه بوده‌اند و عند ظهور امتحان از جمیع من علی الأرض اشقی و اضلّ مشاهده شدند چه که این فرقۀ غیر ناجیه جمال احدیّه را در هوا آویختند و وارد آوردند آنچه را که اوّلین و آخرین از او احتراز میجستند بر اهل بیان لازمست که در آنچه مابین اهل فرقان بوده تفکّر نمایند که شاید چشم حقیقی باز شود و ببیند آنچه را که دیدن آن لازمست در اینصورت از اهل بصر در منظر اکبر مذکور والّا حیوان اشرف از او از حقّ جلّ جلاله در جمیع احوال این خادم ذی‌الجلال سائل و آمل است که بکرم و شفقت و عنایت خود ملاحظه فرماید نه بمعرضین و منکرین و ما عندهم که شاید نسیم رحمت صبحگاهی در این یوم الهی مرور نماید و کل را بطراز مشاهده و عدل و انصاف مزیّن فرماید (edit)
O beloved of my heart and dear one of my soul, the chirping of the bird of Your explanation has informed me, and the murmur of the nightingale of Your remembrance and praise has taught me what delighted me with the joy of the servant’s inability to describe it as it is. This is testified by Your beloved, our beloved, Your purpose, our purpose, and the purpose of all in the heavens and on earth. When the winds of love shook me and what You have spoken in Your praise, the Owner of Oneness, drew me, I took the book and approached the Generous Giver, until I entered and presented myself before the throne and presented what was therein. Then the face of the Beloved turned towards me, saying in His majestic glory, 'O Varqá, what is promised in the book has appeared, and what the minds failed to recognize has been revealed. By His life, the Mother Book has come with signs circling it. O Varqá, indeed the Book speaks and people do not understand, the Balance calls and they do not feel, the Path screams and they do not comprehend. They have thrown behind them the tablets of God and have taken what they were commanded from the viewpoints of conjectures, those who debated with the signs of God and broke His covenant, and denied His command that encompasses existence. Say, this is the day in which the sea of life surged before the face of the Merciful, and the Euphrates of knowledge and explanation flowed to the right of the throne, if you but knew. This is the day in which what has not appeared before has appeared, and the sun of wisdom and proof has shone from the horizon of the prison’s sky, and the religions are all turned away from it. Say, O people of the earth, rise from your seats and then turn towards the highest horizon. By God, it is illuminated by the name of our Most Holy, All-Glorious Lord. Beware that the affairs of the people do not prevent you from the Owner of the unseen and the witnessed. Say, indeed it has appeared with truth, and neither the injustice of the scholars nor the prick of the rulers nor the might of those who turned away from the truth prevents it. Knower of the unseen, say this is the day of explanation, rise from the slumber of desires then remember the Owner of the Names, it is better for you if you but knew. This is the day in which every stander has stood for the service of the Cause and every speaker has spoken in praise of the Sustaining, Ever-Lasting God. Say, O people, put aside what you knew before and take what you see today in its praiseworthy station. O Varqá, the present servant has attended with your book and read it before the face, indeed your Lord is the Hearing, we have heard your mention and praise and your intimate conversations, and we have found the scent of your love and your submission and humility and your approach towards God, Lord of the worlds. Every word of your words has witnessed the greatness of God, His sovereignty, His appearance, His emergence, and His majesty. Indeed your Lord is the All-Knowing, rejoice in this mention by which the Kawthar of life ran in possibilities and the bird of eternity roared on the branches. Indeed, there is no god but I, the Singular, the All-Aware. Indeed, we have remembered you after your return in the diverse tablets with a mention to which the hearts of the knowers have been attracted. Stand in service of the order of your Lord and speak in His praise and guide to His straight path. O Varqá, in your days when the explanation was disturbed and agitated by the power of the people of religions, this oppressed one stood alone by the order concerning which the scholars and the noise of the knowers and the injustice of the rulers wanted to prevent him, but did not prevent what they intended. Indeed, my Highest Pen has roamed at all times in the field of wisdom and explanation until it made all hear its call and revealed to all its argument and proof. In some years, calamities entered that except the knowledge of God from its inventory were short and incapable, yet the pen did not stop moving in the nights and days, and the tongue did not choose silence. When the highest word was spread and the flags of mention and praise were appointed on the highest flags, and the sun of assurance, in general, shone, we blamed the crow and the buzzing of the flies appeared from behind the veil. I swear by the brightness of the sun of justice, the purpose of this oppressed one is that the strong souls should rise for the order and protect the people from the evil of the devils so that they enter a station where they see themselves independent of what has passed and consider other than the truth non-existent and lost. Say, O friends, be observers of the order’s horizon and see what has appeared from it, this is the advice of the truth to its friends. And in another station, this highest word from the horizon of the sky of the explanation of the Master of humanity has shone, His saying, His majesty’s glory, so far the veils that were between the people of the criterion have not been completely torn, and the idols of illusions have not been completely broken. If these two happen, and by the Lord of the worlds, the full explanation will see themselves at the bottom of the lowest, some were pierced by the finger of power and the arm of strength was disheveled, but many remain and are established. If readiness was observed in the people of explanation, indeed all with recognition of what is mentioned with the truth would have succeeded, but God testifies that they are more veiled than the party of the criterion and from other religions, and I am the All-Knowing counter. I conclude with the matter, the illusions of the people of the criterion have encompassed that every pen owner from its mention is incapable, especially a party that considers themselves saved, the people of Sunnah and the community believe that His Holiness the Qa’im must be born because they say from the Messenger of God, may my soul be sacrificed for him, a hadith that was indicative of His existence was not seen in Jabulqa, or Jabulsa, or another place, but rather the hadith of the master of humanity, upon him be the glory of God, the owner of fate, and likewise the narrative of the greatest sheikh indicated the birth of the Qa’im in the lands of Ajam, how many of the sanctified souls who were martyred by clear injustice said so, it is a wonder in this that they see that the saving faction was a rebellious, tyrannical faction, and at the appearance, the most wretched and most misguided were seen from all on the earth because this non-saving faction hung the beauty of unity in the air and brought in what the first and the last avoided from it, it is necessary for the people of explanation to think about what was between the people of the criterion that perhaps the eye of truth may open and see what must be seen in this case from the people of sight in the mentioned greater scene, otherwise the animal is nobler than him from the truth, may His glory be glorified in all circumstances, this servant of glory seeks and hopes that by His generosity and compassion and care, He considers not the deniers and rejecters and what they have, that perhaps the breeze of morning mercy on this divine day may pass and adorn all with the pattern of observation and justice and fairness. 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اینکه در بارۀ حضرت والد علیه بهآء اللّه الأبهی مرقوم داشتید چندی قبل در ساحت اقدس بابدع بیان مذکور و فائز شدند تفکّر در خلوص و مقام آن نفس مقدّسه نمائید که در مقامی واقع شدند که در ذهاب و ایاب جمال قدم توقّف میفرمودند و بابدع بیان ذکر مینمودند لعمر المحبوب هذا مقام عظیم و فضل عظیم هنیئاً له و مریئاً لحضرته انّ الفضل بیده یعطی کیف یشآء انّه لهو الغفور الکریم آن لوح مبارک مع جناب حاجی میرزا ابوالحسن علیه بهآء اللّه ارسال شد انشآءاللّه میرسد و بآن فائز میشوند و همچه بنظر میآید که حین تنزیل خود جناب مذکور علیه بهآء اللّه حاضر بودند (edit)
Regarding what you have written about His Holiness the father, upon him be the glory of God, the All-Glorious, some time ago in the Most Holy Presence, mentioned in the original statement, they succeeded. Reflect on the purity and station of that sanctified soul, which was placed in a position where they would pause in the coming and going of the beauty of the step, and they would mention the original statement. By the life of the Beloved, this is a great station and a great favor, blessed for him and pleasing to his presence. Indeed, the favor is in His hand to give as He wishes. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Generous. That blessed tablet was sent with His Excellency Haji Mirza Abu'l-Hasan, upon him be the glory of God. God willing, it reaches and they will be successful, and it appears that at the time of its revelation, the mentioned personage, upon him be the glory of God, was present. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اینکه مرقوم داشته بودید که سواد آنچه ارسال شده بود باطراف فرستادید لدی الوجه مقبول افتاد فرمودند انشآءاللّه مؤیّد باشند بانتشار آیات الهی و بیّنات و شئونات و ظهوراتش (edit)
And regarding what you had written that the copies of what had been sent were distributed to various places, they were accepted by the personage. They said, God willing, may they be supported in the dissemination of the divine verses, clear proofs, affairs, and appearances. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اینکه ارادۀ توجّه بآنجهات فرمودید بسیار محبوبست چه که ناس ضعیفند از بعض امورات مطّلع نبوده و نیستند بسا هست که طنین ذباب را از حفیف سدرۀ منتهی فرق نمیگذارند شاید از ملاقات آنجناب حجبات خرق شود و فی‌الحقیقه بدیع شوند از جمیع جهات وقتی از اوقات اینکلمۀ محکمۀ متقنۀ مبارکه از افق فم مالک احدیّه مشرق و ظاهر قوله جلّ کبریائه مادامیکه خلق بیان باعمال و اقوال و اشارات و دلالات ملل قبل ناظر و ناطقند از امر بدیع و خلق بدیع و مقام بدیع و شأن بدیع غافل و محرومند و در مقام دیگر اینکلمۀ مبارکه مشرق و ظاهر انّی انا بدیع السّموات و الأرض چه که بقبل و بعد شبیه نبوده و نیست اینست بدیع من جمیع الجهات طوبی للعارفین و طوبی للفائزین انتهی (edit)
And regarding your intention to focus on the mentioned aspects, it is very beloved because people are weak, unaware of some matters, and remain uninformed. Often, they do not distinguish the buzzing of a fly from the subtle whisper of the Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary. Perhaps by meeting that personage, the veils will be torn, and in truth, they will become innovative from all aspects. At a time from the times, this firm, well-established, blessed word arises from the horizon of the mouth of the Owner of Oneness, and His saying, His glory's majesty, appears. As long as the creation of explanation, through actions, words, indications, and implications of previous religions, are observers and speakers, they are unaware and deprived of the innovative order, innovative creation, innovative station, and innovative status. In another station, this blessed word arises and appears, 'Indeed, I am the Innovator of the heavens and the earth,' for there was and is nothing similar to it before or after. This is the innovation from all aspects, blessed are the knowers, and blessed are the successful. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اینکه در بارۀ دوستان ارض یاء بهآء اللّه علیهم مرقوم داشتید اینجواب از سماء مشیّت الهی نازل

هو الأقدم الأعظم الأقدس العلیّ الأبهی

یا اهل یآء ان استمعوا ندآء مالک الأسمآء الّذی ینادیکم فی السّجن الأعظم و یدعوکم الی مقام جعله اللّه مقدّساً عن اوصاف الملل کلّها و منزّهاً عن اذکارهم و اشاراتهم انّه لهو المقتدر الّذی به نصب علم یفعل ما یشآء و ارتفعت رایة یحکم ما یرید طوبی لقویّ نطق بهذا الذّکر الأعظم و لنفس اقبلت الی صراطه المستقیم انّا دخلنا السّجن و دعونا الکلّ الی اللّه ربّ العالمین علی شأن ما منعتنا الجنود و لا الصّفوف و لا زماجیر الأبطال و الأمرآء و لا ضوضآء العلمآء و العرفآء طوبی لعبد فاز بما اراد اللّه و ویل للغافلین هذا یوم فیه ظهرت الزّلازل و ناحت القبائل و صاحت الأرامل و اقشعرّت جلود الّذین جادلوا بآیات اللّه و برهانه و انکروا کتابه الظّاهر المبین قل یا اهل البیان دعوا ما عندکم تاللّه قد اتی الرّحمن ببرهان لا یقوم معه ما عند الأحزاب یشهد بذلک مالک الرّقاب فی هذا اللّوح العظیم قل انّ المظلوم یهدیکم لوجه اللّه و یأمرکم بما تقرّ به عیون الّذین اذا سمعوا النّدآء سرعوا الی الأفق الأعلی و اجابوا ربّهم النّاطق البصیر ایّاکم ان تمنعکم شئونات الخلق عن الحقّ دعوا ما عند النّاس بهذا الاسم الّذی ظهر به کلّ امر حکیم ان انصروا ربّکم الرّحمن بالحکمة و البیان هذا ما امرتم به فی سنین متوالیات و فی هذا اللّوح الّذی ینطق امام وجوه العالم بما نطق لسان القدم انّه لا اله الّا انا العزیز الکریم انّا حملنا الشّدائد و المحن فی السّرّ و العلن لارتفاع امر اللّه فلمّا ارتفع بالحقّ ظهر طنین الّذباب عن خلف الحجاب بما ناح به کلّ نبیّ و صاح کلّ رسول امین قل یا ملأ البیان ان انصفوا فی امر ربّکم الرّحمن ایّاکم ان یمنعکم ما منع اهل الفرقان عن التّوجّه الی البحر الأعظم و ایّاکم ان تحجبکم ما احتجب به الأمم اتّقوا اللّه و لا تتّبعوا کلّ ناعق بعید ان اقبلوا بالاستقامة الکبری الی الأفق الأعلی لعمر اللّه هذا خیر لکم عمّا خلق فی الأرض و السّمآء یشهد بذلک مالک الأسمآء فی هذا اللّوح البدیع کم من عبد انجذب من آیات ربّه علی شأن ما خوّفته سطوة الأمرآء و لا شوکة الأقویآء سرعوا فی بیدآء المحبّة و الوفآء و قالوا لبّیک لبّیک یا محبوب القلوب و لبّیک لبّیک یا مقصود من فی السّموات و الأرضین کذلک نطق لسان العظمة فضلاً من عنده لیظهر ما کان مستوراً فی کنز اللّه و مسطوراً فی کتب المرسلین خذوا کتاب اللّه بقوّة من عندنا و قدرة من لدنّا لعمر اللّه هذا یوم واعدنا من قبل بأن نجعلکم ائمّة فی الأرض و نجعلکم الوارثین تمسّکوا یا عباد اللّه بالحبل الأعظم و تشبّثوا بذیل اللّه المقتدر القدیر قوموا علی الأمر باستقامة لا تمنعها شئونات العالم و لا شبهات المعرضین کذلک نوّرنا افق الکتاب بشمس ذکر ربّکم الفرد الخبیر قلم اعلی دوستان ارض یاء و اطراف آنرا ندا میفرماید و بأحسن اذکار ذکر مینماید که شاید رحیق بیان رحمن بشأنی ایشانرا اخذ نماید که اشارات عالم و کلمات امم قادر بر منع نباشد باینکلمۀ طیّبۀ محکمۀ مبارکه که بمثابۀ غیث هاطل است از برای ریاض بیان رحمن ناظر باشید و از آن بیاشامید بچشمهای خلق حقّ منیع را نبینی و نیابی چشم از کل بردار تا بمشاهده و لقا فائز شوی امروز روزیست که اعمال و مراتب و مقامات کل ظاهر شده و میشود چه که ممیّز علیم ظاهر و مفصّل خبیر آشکار و هویدا جهد نمائید تا از فیوضات نامتناهیۀ فیّاض محروم نمانید و از آنچه سزاوار این یوم اقدس امنع است ممنوع نشوید بساط اوهام ابسط از قبل مشاهده میشود و جنود ظنون اقوی از ماکان انشآءاللّه بعنایت رحمن مؤیّد شوید بر امریکه ذکر آن بدوام ملک و ملکوت باقی و پاینده ماند الحمد للّه بیوم اللّه فائز شدید و نفحات قمیص وصال را ادراک نمودید نفوسیکه خود را اعلی الخلق و اعظمهم و اعزّهم و اکبرهم میشمردند از دریای دانائی محروم و از افق امر الهی محجوب و ممنوع و شما از رحمت مسبوقه و عنایت محیطه فائز شدید بامریکه لم‌یزل و لایزال امل مخلصین و مقرّبین بوده از حقّ جلّ جلاله در کلّ احوال مسئلت نمائید تا بر حفظ این درّ ثمین مؤیّد گردید و از ابصار سارقین و خائنین محفوظ و مستور دارید انّه یقول الحقّ و یهدی السّبیل لا اله الّا هو العزیز الجمیل انتهی انشآءاللّه از عنایات لایتناهیۀ الهیّه کوثر جذب و شوق و سلسبیل استقامت و اشتیاق از کلمات عالیات که از مصدر امر صادر شده کل بیاشامند چه هر نفسی فی‌الحقیقه بآن فائز شود جمیع عالم را معدوم مشاهده نماید و بر صراط الهی بایستد باستقامتیکه محرّکین عالم ضغینه و بغضا از حرکت او خود را عاجز مشاهده نمایند لعمر المحبوب از انوار امثال این نفوس افق قدرت و استقامت منیر و روشنست ملاحظه در قول ناعق نمائید برداشته بعبدۀ خود نوشته دو کلمه از بیان و دو کلمه از فرقان اخذ مینمایند و آیه درست میکنند و باطراف میفرستند ملاحظه فرمائید که چه مقدار مردم را ابله و احمق میداند که باین مزخرفات قائل است و مع‌ذلک او را حجّت و دارای بیّنه و برهان میدانند لعمرک یا حبیب فؤادی این خادم بسیار در ناس متحیّر است آیا چه شده و خلق چه ارتکاب نموده‌اند که بارشاد چنین بی‌دانشی مبتلا گشته‌اند از اوّل دنیا تا حال مانند این شئون بدیعه و آیات منیعه دیده نشده و چشم بیان و بصر عرفان شبه آن مشاهده نکرده با یک لوح امنع اقدس برابری نمینماید کلّ کتب یشهد بذلک من فاز بقطرة من بحر الانصاف عالم را آیات بدیعۀ منیعه احاطه نموده و معادل جمیع کتب سماوی آیات باهرات نازل و بر حسب ظاهر ظاهر آنچه از قبل واقع شده و یا از بعد بشود از قبل بکمال تصریح در کتاب الهی مذکور مع‌ذلک گفته و میگویند آنچه را که هیچ غافل معرضی نزد ظهور مظاهر نگفته و بی‌شرمی این فئۀ باغیۀ طاغیه بمقامی رسیده که در ظهور مظهر و مرسل باینکلمات مزخرفات تکلّم نموده و مینمایند حقّ انصاف عطا کند و بصر کرم فرماید (edit)
And as for what was written about the friends in the land of Yá by the glory of God upon them, this response descended from the heaven of the divine will:

He is the Most Ancient, the Greatest, the Most Holy, the Most High, the Most Glorious.

O people of Yá, if you listen to the call of the Owner of Names who calls you in the Greatest Prison and invites you to a station that God has sanctified from the descriptions of all religions and purified from their remembrances and indications. He is the Almighty who has raised a banner doing as He wishes, and a flag has risen, ruling as He desires. Blessed is the one who spoke with this greatest mention and the soul that turned to His straight path. We have entered the prison and called everyone to God, Lord of the worlds, on a matter that neither soldiers nor ranks nor the bluster of heroes and rulers, nor the noise of the scholars and the wise could prevent. Blessed is the servant who succeeded in what God willed, and woe to the heedless. This is the day when earthquakes appeared, tribes lamented, widows cried out, and the skins of those who argued with the signs of God and His proof and denied His clear, manifest book shivered. Say, O people of explanation, leave what you have; by God, the Merciful has come with a proof that stands not with what the parties have. This is attested by the Owner of the Necks in this great tablet. Say that the oppressed guides you to the face of God and commands you with what pleases the eyes of those who, when they hear the call, hasten to the highest horizon and answer their Lord, the Speaking, the Seeing. Beware that the affairs of creation do not prevent you from the truth. Leave what the people have with this name by which every wise matter has appeared. Support your Lord, the Merciful, with wisdom and explanation. This is what you have been commanded in successive years and in this tablet which speaks before the faces of the world with what the Ancient Tongue has spoken. There is no god but I, the Noble, the Generous. We have borne hardships and tribulations in secret and in public for the elevation of God’s cause, so when it was raised with truth, the buzzing of the flies appeared from behind the veil with what every prophet lamented and every trustworthy messenger cried out. Say, O assembly of explanation, be fair in the matter of your Lord, the Merciful. Beware that what prevented the people of the criterion from turning to the Greatest Sea prevents you, and beware that what veiled the nations veils you. Fear God and do not follow every distant caller. Approach with the greatest integrity to the highest horizon; by the life of God, this is better for you than what was created in the earth and the heavens. This is attested by the Owner of Names in this innovative tablet. How many a servant was attracted by the signs of his Lord because the might of the rulers or the thorn of the powerful did not frighten him. They hastened in the wilderness of love and loyalty and said, 'Here I am, here I am, O beloved of hearts, and here I am, here I am, O the purpose of those in the heavens and the earth.' Thus spoke the Tongue of Grandeur out of His grace to reveal what was hidden in the treasure of God and written in the books of the messengers. Take the Book of God with strength from Us and power from Our presence; by the life of God, this is the day We promised before to make you leaders on the earth and make you the inheritors. Hold on, O servants of God, to the greatest rope and cling to the hem of the Almighty, the Powerful. Stand firm on the command without being prevented by the affairs of the world or the suspicions of those who turn away. Thus, We illuminated the horizon of the Book with the sun of the remembrance of your Lord, the Singular, the All-Knowing. The Highest Pen calls to the friends of the land of Yá and its surroundings and mentions them with the best of remembrances, that perhaps the elixir of explanation of the Merciful might seize them, and the indications of the world and the words of the nations cannot prevent it. With this wholesome, firm, blessed word which is like torrential rain for the gardens of the explanation of the Merciful, be watchful and drink from it; with the eyes of creation, you do not see and do not find the impregnable truth. Remove your eye from everything so that you may succeed in observation and encounter. Today is the day when the deeds, ranks, and stations of all are revealed and will be revealed because the discerning knower is manifest and the detailed expert is clear and evident. Strive so that you do not remain deprived of the infinite bounties of the generous donor and are not prohibited from what is most worthy of this Most Holy Day. The carpet of illusions is spread more than before, and the armies of conjectures are stronger than what they were. God willing, by the grace of the Merciful, you will be supported in a matter whose mention remains with the kingdom and the dominion, enduring and everlasting. Praise be to God, you have succeeded on the Day of God and have perceived the breezes of the shirt of union. Souls that considered themselves the highest, greatest, most honorable, and largest among creation are deprived of the sea of knowledge and veiled and prohibited from the horizon of the divine order, and you have succeeded by a prior mercy and encompassing grace in a matter that has always been and will always be the hope of the sincere and the near ones. From the truth of His glory in all circumstances, request that you be supported to preserve this precious pearl and be kept safe and hidden from the eyes of thieves and traitors. Indeed, He speaks the truth and guides the way. There is no god but He, the Noble, the Beautiful. God willing, from the infinite divine favors, the Kawthar of attraction and desire and the Salsabil of integrity and longing flow from the sublime words that have been issued from the source of the order, that all may drink from it because truly every breath by it succeeds, sees the whole world as non-existent, and stands on the divine path with an integrity that makes the movers of the world of enmity and hatred see themselves as incapable. By the life of the Beloved, from the lights of the likes of these souls, the horizon of power and steadfastness is illuminated and bright. Look at the call of the distant caller, taken by his servant, written two words from the explanation and two words from the Furqan are taken, and they make a verse and send it around. Observe how much he considers people foolish and ignorant that he claims such nonsense and yet considers him an argument and possessing proof and evidence. By your life, O beloved of my heart, this servant is very bewildered among the people, whether what has happened and what creation has committed that by guidance such ignorance has been afflicted. From the beginning of the world until now, such innovative matters and impregnable signs have not been seen, and the eye of explanation and the sight of gnosis have not observed anything like it. With a single most holy, most impregnable tablet, no match is made, all books attest to that. Whoever succeeded with a drop from the sea of fairness has encompassed the world with innovative, impregnable signs, equivalent to all heavenly books, brilliant verses have descended, and according to the apparent what happened before and what will happen after has been explicitly stated in the mentioned divine book, yet they say and will say what no heedless one turning away at the appearance of manifestations has said, and the shamelessness of this rebellious, tyrannical faction has reached a station that in the appearance of the manifestation and the messenger with these nonsense words spoke and act. May the truth grant fairness and may the sight of generosity be decreed. (edit)

Nothing entered yet... (edit)
از جمله اخبار جدیده آنکه میرزا احمد ارض ک و راء شبی در مدینۀ کبیره بعد از استعمال بعض اشیاء آنچه نوشتجات معرض باللّه نزدش بود آتش زده و گفته خوشم میآید فی‌الحقیقه بمثابۀ حربا مشاهده میشود معلوم نیست بأیّ جهة اراد و الی ایّ جهة یرید و بأیّ وجه توجّه و الی ایّ وجه یتوجّه انشآءاللّه حقّ جلّ جلاله ذیل امر را از امثال این نفوس مطهّر دارد و یا از فضل و عنایت خود رحیق ایقان و اطمینان کرم فرماید انّه لهو المعطی الکریم (edit)
Among the latest news is that Mirza Ahmad in the land of Ká and Ráʼ one night in the great city, after using some items, set fire to the writings that were before him concerning God and said, 'I am pleased.' In truth, it appears as if it were a battle. It is not known for which purpose he intended, to which direction he aims, by which aspect he is guided, and towards which aspect he turns. God willing, may the truth of His glory purify the outcome of such souls and, by His grace and favor, may He bestow the elixir of certainty and assurance. Indeed, He is the Generous Giver. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اینکه در بارۀ جناب آقا میرزا ع‌ب علیه بهآء اللّه مرقوم داشتید و ذکر محبّتهای ایشانرا فرموده بودید و همچنین عنایت مخصوص از حقّ جلّ جلاله استدعا شده بود اینمراتب تلقاء وجه عرض شد هذا ما نطق به لسان الرّحمن فیملکوت البیان قوله عزّ اعزازه لحاظ عنایت حقّ باو متوجّه الحمد للّه امریکه اکثر اهل ارض از آن محرومند بآن فائز شدند چندی قبل بهمراهی جناب ابوالحسن یک لوح مخصوص شما و یک لوح دیگر باسم ایشان ارسال شد انشآءاللّه بآن فائز شوند وصیّت مینمائیم او را بحکمت و استقامت انشآءاللّه موفّق شوند باین دو امر عظیم و عنایت مخصوصه هم از سماء عنایت ظاهر خواهد شد انّه لهو الفضّال الکریم الحمد للّه العلیّ العظیم انتهی (edit)
Regarding His Excellency Aqa Mirza A.B., upon him be the glory of God, you had written and mentioned his affections, and a special favor from the truth of His glory had been requested. These levels were presented before the face. This is what the Tongue of the Merciful has spoken in the kingdom of explanation, His saying, His honor glorified: the regard of God’s favor is directed towards him. Praise be to God, a matter from which most of the people of the earth are deprived, they have succeeded in obtaining. Some time ago, accompanied by His Excellency Abu'l-Hasan, a special tablet for you and another tablet in his name were sent. God willing, they will succeed in obtaining them. We advise him to act with wisdom and steadfastness, God willing, they will succeed in these two great matters, and a special favor will also appear from the heaven of favor. Indeed, He is the Beneficent, the Generous. Praise be to God, the Most High, the Great. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اینکه در بارۀ شهدای میان‌دوآب از حقّ جلّ افضاله مسئلت نمودید عرض شد و اینکلمات مشرقات از سماء مشیّت نازل یا قلمی الأعلی ان اذکر الّذین اقبلوا الی افقی الأبهی و سمعوا ندائی الأحلی و تمسّکوا بعروتی الوثقی و تشبّثوا بأذیالی النّورآء و توجّهوا الی وجهی بعد فنآء الأشیآء و طاروا فی هوآء محبّة ربّهم مالک الأسمآء و شربوا من الکؤوس الحمرآء خمر القضآء طوبی لکم بما فزتم بالغایة القصوی و المقام الأعلی و الرّتبة العلیا نعیماً لکم و هنیئاً لکم بما یذکرکم محبوب العالم و الاسم الأعظم بما یجد منه کلّ مقبل عرف القمیص و کلّ ذی شمّ رائحة اسمی الرّحمن الرّحیم اشهد انّکم فزتم بعرفان اللّه فی ایّام فیها ناحت الأشیآء و الملأ الأعلی بما ورد علی الّذین اخذوا کتاب اللّه بقوّة من عنده و انفقوا ما عندهم فی هذا السّبیل المستقیم ان افرحوا فی الرّفیق الأعلی بما یذکرکم مولی الوری فی هذا السّجن الّذی سمّی بکلّ الأسمآء و بالسّجن الأعظم فی کتاب اللّه العزیز الحمید قد سفکت دمائکم اذ کانت ممزوجة بمحبّة اللّه و صعدت ارواحکم اذ کانت معطّرة بنفحات الأیّام و طرحت اجسادکم اذ کانت مزیّنة بطراز الشّهادة فی هذا الأمر الّذی به انفق المقرّبون و المخلصون ما عندهم و لهم کذلک نطق لسان العظمة بذکرکم و ثنائکم انّه لهو الغفور الکریم النّور المشرق من افق سمآء رحمة الرّحمن علیکم یا مظاهر الأسمآء فی الامکان و مشارق العرفان بین ملأ الأدیان انتم الّذین ما منعکم منع مانع و لا شماتة مشرک سمعتم و سرعتم الی ان فزتم بالمقام الّذی کان مسطوراً من قلم اللّه الفرد الخبیر نعیماً لکم و طوبی لکم و للّذین یذکرونکم و یزورونکم بما نطق به لسان المظلوم اذ احاطته الأحزان من الّذین انکروا حقّ اللّه و اولیائه و اعرضوا عن الوجه اذ اشرق من افق الظّهور بنور مبین (edit)
And regarding the martyrs of Miyandoab, you requested from the truth of His glory, and this response descended from the heaven of the divine will, or by my Highest Pen, that I remember those who turned to my Most Glorious horizon, who heard my sweetest call, who clung to my firmest handle, who grasped my luminous trails, who turned to my face after the annihilation of things, and who soared in the air of the love of their Lord, the Owner of Names, and drank from the red cups the wine of fate. Blessed are you who have attained the ultimate goal, the highest station, and the highest rank. Blissful are you, and congratulations to you for what the Beloved of the world and the Greatest Name finds from every one who approaches, recognized the shirt, and every one who smells the scent of my name, the Merciful, the Compassionate. I testify that you have succeeded in recognizing God on days when things lamented and the highest assembly with what was visited upon those who took the Book of God with strength from Him and spent what they had in this straight path. Rejoice in the highest companionship for what the Master of humanity mentions you in this prison that was named with all names and as the Greatest Prison in the Book of the Noble, the Praiseworthy God. Your blood was shed as it was mixed with the love of God, and your souls ascended as they were perfumed with the breezes of the days, and your bodies were cast as they were adorned with the ornament of martyrdom in this cause for which the near and the sincere spent what they had, and for them thus spoke the Tongue of Grandeur in your mention and praise. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Generous, the Light shining from the horizon of the sky of the mercy of the Merciful upon you, O manifestations of the Names in existence and dawns of recognition among the assembly of religions. You are those whom no preventer prevented, and no gloating polytheist heard, and you hastened until you succeeded in the station which was written by the Pen of God, the Singular, the All-Knowing. Blissful are you and blessed are you and those who remember you and visit you with what was spoken by the tongue of the oppressed when surrounded by sorrows from those who denied the right of God and His saints and turned away from the face when it shone from the horizon of appearance with a manifest light. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و نذکر الأمین الّذی ذکرناه فی کتابی المبین انّه سبق اکثر الخلق فی خدمة اللّه و امره و فاز بالعنایة الّتی ما اطّلع بها الّا المحصی الخبیر انّا کنّا معه اذ صعد روحه الی الرّفیق الأعلی و سقیناه الکوثر الأصفی مرّةً بعد مرّة و احاطته رحمة ربّه علی شأن عجزت عن ذکره الأقلام یشهد بذلک من نطق و ینطق فیکلّ الأحیان انّه لا اله الّا هو العزیز الجمیل یا امین انت حرف من صحیفتی الحمرآء و ذکر من هذا الکتاب الّذی ینطق بالحقّ و یذکر احبّائه بما یزورهم به الملأ الأعلی و الّذین سجدوا لوجه ربّهم مالک هذا الیوم البدیع طوبی لمن یذکرک و یتقرّب بک الی اللّه ربّ العالمین (edit)
And we mention the trustee whom we mentioned in my clear Book, that he preceded most of creation in the service of God and His command, and won the favor that only the All-Knowing Accountant had insight into. We were with him when his soul ascended to the highest companion, and we gave him to drink from the purest Kawthar time and again, and his Lord’s mercy enveloped him to such an extent that the pens have failed to describe it. This is attested by those who have spoken and will speak at all times that there is no god but He, the Noble, the Beautiful. O trustee, you are a letter from my crimson pages and a mention from this book which speaks the truth and remembers His beloveds with what the highest assembly visits them, and those who prostrated to the face of their Lord, the Owner of this wondrous day. Blessed is he who remembers you and draws near to God, Lord of the worlds. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
یا ورقآء یا ایّها النّاظر الی الأفق الأعلی و الشّارب رحیقی المختوم من انامل عنایتی البیضآء قد ذکرنا العباد الّذین سئلت اللّه ذکرهم و ظهور الطافه و عنایته لهم ان اشکر اللّه ربّک بهذا الفضل العظیم لک مقام عند ربّک العزیز الحمید انّه یوفّقک علی ما یحبّ و یرضی و یؤیّدک علی ذکره علی شأن تنجذب به الأفئدة و العقول انّ ربّک لهو المقتدر القدیر انتهی (edit)
O Varqá, O you who look towards the highest horizon and who drink my sealed nectar from the fingertips of my white grace, we have mentioned the servants whom you asked God to remember and for the manifestation of His kindness and favor towards them. Be thankful to God, your Lord, for this great favor. You have a station with your Lord, the Noble, the Praiseworthy. Indeed, He enables you to do what He loves and is pleased with, and He supports you in His remembrance so that hearts and minds are attracted to it. Indeed, your Lord is the Almighty, the All-Powerful. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اینکه در بارۀ جناب میرزا محمّد خان و جناب میرزا محمّد علی مرقوم داشته بودید در ساحت امنع اقدس عرض شد و دو لوح اعزّ ارفع مخصوص ایشان از سماء مشیّت نازل و ارسال شد انشآءاللّه بآن فائز شوند و به ما اراده اللّه مؤیّد گردند و اینکه در بارۀ جناب سبزعلی ذکر فرموده بودند و همچنین توجّه به زنجان و توقّف در آن ارض بجهة تبلیغ امر اللّه تمام اینمراتب معروض افتاد قال جلّ کبریائه بسیار محبوبست توجّه بآن ارض چه که اکثری اطّلاع ندارند و در معزلی از امر مشاهده میشوند انشآءاللّه بنار محبّت رحمن سبب اشتعال شوید و قلوب متوقّفۀ پژمرده را از کوثر ذکر رحمن تازه نمائید جناب رسول علیه بهآء اللّه را از لسان اینمظلوم بطراز تکبیر مزیّن دارید قل لعمر اللّه انت المذکور لدی العرش و انت المسطور فی کتابی المبین لحاظ حقّ بتو متوجّه بوده و انشآءاللّه خواهد بود کن قائماً علی خدمة امر ربّک فی کلّ حال من الأحوال سوف یفنی ما تری و یبقی لک ما ظهر من القلم الأعلی بدوام ملکوت اللّه العزیز الحکیم جمیع دوستان آن ارض را بطراز بیان مالک ادیان مزیّن کن نیکوست حال قلبیکه در محبّتش مشتعل شود و لسانیکه بذکرش ناطق گردد بگو ای دوستان رحمن جهد نمائید تا هر یک بمثابۀ آفتاب از افق سماء استقامت مشرق و منیر مشاهده شوید بشأنیکه مشرک باللّه و ما عنده و من معه را مثل قبضۀ طین مشاهده کنید اینست مقام استقامت کبری که آفاق الواح الهی بذکر آن منیر و روشنست انتهی یا حبیب فؤادی بعضی از نفوس ضعیفه در دیار آنجناب و حوالی آن در شفا جرف هار مشاهده میشوند چه که شنیدند آنچه را که قابل اصغا نبود و اخذ کردند از نفوسیکه از اطّلاع عاری بودند هذا ما عرفت من تأویل بیانات منزل الآیات و عرضته لجنابک انشآءاللّه بذراعی قدرت و قوّت و ایادی اقتدار الهی و بیانات شافیۀ کافیه از شمال ظنّ بیمین یقین توجّه نمایند و از کوثر استقامت بیاشامند عجب است از مردم که از سها اشراقات و انوار شمس را سؤال مینمایند بفرمائید ای صاحبان بصر بخود شمس توجّه نمائید و او را باو بشناسید او در اثبات امرش محتاج بغیر نبوده دلیله آیاته و وجوده اثباته آیا اینکلمه را نشنیده‌اند و یا آفتاب عنایت را که از افق سماء ظهور مشرقست ندیدند و یا نفحات بیانات را ادراک ننمودند باری در اینظهور اعظم کل مأمورند بعین او باو نظر نمایند و او را بشناسند مع آنکه جمیع عالم کتابیست در اثبات این امر مبرم و جمیع اشیاء و کتب و صحف و زبر و الواح بأعلی البیان ندا مینمایند و کل را بشارت بایّام اللّه میدهند ونفس المحبوب این خادم بل هر ذی درایتی از محتجبین و اقوال آنها متحیّر است آنچه اینعبد عرض نموده اگر بعضی از دوستان و آقایان ملاحظه نمایند بسیار محبوبست که شاید عباد را از تیرگی ظنون و اوهام فارغ نمایند و بصبح یوم الهی منوّر کنند اگر تفکّر نمایند بر عظمتیکه در کلّ کتب در ذکر این امر امنع اقدس مذکور است آگاه شوند در یکمقام میفرماید هذا یوم لا یذکر فیه الّا اللّه وحده نفحات کاذبه که از قبل بوده ناس را از جوهر صدق در این یوم بدیع منیع منع نموده در اینمقام بیاناتی از لسان قدم ظاهر که اگر آذان واعیه اصغا نماید البتّه از ما عند النّاس فارغ و آزاد شود له الأمر و له العظمة و الاقتدار و هو الحاکم علی ما اراد و هو القویّ القدیر شب گذشته چند لوح از سماء علم الهی نازل و حاوی بعض اذکار بود که فی‌الحقیقه جان را میگداخت و جسد را مشتعل مینمود اینعبد فانی اراده کرد که سواد آنرا ارسال نماید بعد مجال نیافت چه که جمعی مسافرین موجود و هر یک الواح عدیده از سماء احدیّه استدعا دارند و این خادم فانی بتحریر آن مشغول بصدهزار لسان استدعا مینمایم که این فانی را تأیید فرماید تا از عهدۀ این امر خطیر برآید انّه لهو المؤیّد القدیر و یسئل الخادم ربّه بأن لا یمنع عباده عمّا ظهر فی الملک باسمه الأعظم العظیم (edit)
As for what was written about Mr. Mirza Mohammad Khan and Mr. Mirza Mohammad Ali, it was presented in the most inviolable and holy presence, and two tablets, the most honored and exalted, specifically for them were sent down from the heaven of divine will and dispatched. God willing, they may succeed in attaining them and be supported in what God wills. And regarding Mr. Sabz Ali, whom you mentioned, as well as attention to Zanjan and stopping there for the purpose of promoting the cause of God, all these levels have been presented. His Majesty has stated that attention to that land is greatly beloved, for most are unaware and are seen isolated from the matter. God willing, with the fire of Rahman's love, you may cause ignition and refresh the withered, halted hearts with the Kauthar of Rahman's remembrance. Mr. Rasool, upon him be the glory of God, is adorned by the tongue of this oppressed one with the ornament of Takbir. Say, by the life of God, you are mentioned before the Throne and written in my clear book. The regard of truth has been and, God willing, will continue to be directed towards you. Stand firm in the service of your Lord's cause in all states of affairs. What you see will perish, but what has emerged from the Highest Pen will remain for you as long as the kingdom of the Almighty, Wise God endures. Adorn all the friends of that land with the ornament of the explanation, the Owner of religions. It is good when a heart is inflamed in His love, and a tongue that speaks in His remembrance. Say, O friends of Rahman, strive so that each of you may be seen as bright and illuminating as the sun from the horizon of the sky of steadfastness, so that you may see the polytheist with God, what he has and those with him, as merely a handful of clay. This is the station of grand steadfastness where the horizons of the divine tablets are bright and clear with its remembrance. Oh beloved of my heart, some weak souls in the lands of that personage and its surroundings are seen on the verge of a precipice, for they have heard what was not worthy of listening and have taken from souls devoid of knowledge. This is what I have understood from the interpretation of the utterances from the Abode of Signs and presented it for your consideration. God willing, with the arms of divine power and strength, and the sufficing, healing explanations, they may turn from the north of suspicion to the right of certainty and drink from the Kauthar of steadfastness. It is a wonder about people who ask about the brightness and lights of the sun. Tell them, O owners of sight, to turn to the sun itself and recognize it; it does not need anything else to prove its matter—its signs, existence, and proof are sufficient. Have they not heard this word, or have they not seen the sun of favor rising from the horizon of manifestation, or have they not perceived the breezes of the utterances? In this greatest manifestation, all are commanded to see with their own eyes and recognize Him, while all of the world is a book confirming this resolute matter, and all things, books, scriptures, and tablets call out with the highest explanation, and all give tidings of the days of God. The soul of the beloved, this servant, indeed, anyone of discernment among the veiled, is bewildered by their statements. What this servant has presented, if some friends and gentlemen consider it, is greatly beloved, perhaps it may free the servants from the darkness of suspicions and illusions and illuminate them with the morning of the divine day. If they contemplate the greatness mentioned in all books regarding this most holy, inviolable matter, they will become aware. In one place it is said, 'This is the day in which only God is mentioned.' The false breezes that were before have prevented people from the essence of truth on this wondrous, impregnable day. In this place, utterances from the tongue of antiquity appear that if attentive ears listen, they will surely be freed from what is with the people and liberated. To Him belongs the command, and He has the greatness and the power, and He is the ruler over what He wills, and He is the Strong, the Capable. Last night, a few tablets from the heaven of divine knowledge descended, containing some remembrances that truly melted the soul and inflamed the body. This mortal servant intended to send their text, but then did not find the opportunity as several travelers were present and each one requests numerous tablets from the heaven of unity, and this mortal servant is busy writing them with a hundred thousand tongues. I plead that this mortal be supported to fulfill this grave matter, for He is the Supporter, the Powerful, and the servant asks his Lord not to deprive His servants of what has appeared in the kingdom by His Greatest, Great Name. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اینکه مرقوم داشته بودید یکی از دوستان رساله‌ئی نوشته تلقاء وجه عرض شد هذا ما نزّل فی الجواب الیوم آنچه نوشته میشود باید بکمال دقّت ملاحظه نمود تا سبب اختلاف واقع نشود و محلّ ایراد قوم نگردد آنچه الیوم دوستان حقّ بآن متکلّمند بر مسمع اهل ارضست در لوح حکمت اینکلمه نازل انّ آذان المعرضین ممدودة الینا لیستمعوا ما یعترضون به علی اللّه المهیمن القیّوم اینفقره خالی از اهمّیّت نیست باید آنچه نوشته میشود از حکمت خارج نشود و در کلمات طبیعت شیر مستور باشد تا اطفال روزگار بآن تربیت شوند و بمقام بلوغ فائز گردند از قبل ذکر نمودیم که یک کلمه بمثابۀ ربیع است عالم قلوب از او تازه و خرّم شود و کلمۀ دیگر بمثابۀ سموم ازهار و اوراد را بسوزاند انشآءاللّه مؤلّفین از دوستان حقّ باید بنویسند آنچه را که نفوس منصفه بپذیرند و نزد قوم محلّ ایراد واقع نشود انتهی (edit)
You had written that one of the friends had composed a treatise which was presented for consideration. This is what we have revealed in response today: what is written must be observed with utmost care to avoid causing disagreements or becoming a point of criticism. What the friends of truth speak of today is audible to the people of the earth in the Tablet of Wisdom. This verse has descended, 'Indeed, the ears of those who turn away are extended towards Us so that they may hear what they object to against God, the Sustainer, the Everlasting.' This clause is not without importance; whatever is written must not deviate from wisdom and must be hidden in the words of nature like milk, so that the children of the age may be nurtured by it and attain maturity. We have previously stated that one word is like spring, making the world of hearts fresh and joyful, and another word is like a scorching wind that burns flowers and prayers. God willing, the authors among the friends of truth should write what just souls accept and what does not become a point of criticism among the people. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
از آیۀ مبارکۀ تحریم که در کتاب الهی نازل سؤال شده بود تلقاء عرش عرض شد فرمودند اولی و محبوب آن بود که تلقاء وجه لساناً بشما ذکر میشد حال ذکر آن در مکتوب جایز نه الی ان یأتی یومه انتهی و همچنین از این آیۀ مبارکه سؤال شده بود قوله عزّ اجلاله اذا غیض بحر الوصال الی قوله عزّ اعزازه الّذی انشعب من هذا الأصل القویم مقصود الهی حضرت غصن اللّه الأعظم و بعده حضرة غصن اللّه الأکبر روحی و ذاتی و کینونتی لتراب قدومهما الفدآء بوده (edit)
Regarding the blessed verse of Prohibition that was asked about, which was revealed in the Book of God, it was presented before the Throne. They stated that it would have been preferable and beloved that it be mentioned to you verbally face to face, and now it is not permissible to mention it in writing until its day comes. Similarly, a question had been asked about this blessed verse, 'When the ocean of My presence hath ebbed and the Book of My Revelation is ended, turn your faces towards Him Whom God hath purposed, Who hath branched from this Ancient Root.' The divine intention refers to His Holiness the Greatest Branch of God and following him, His Holiness the Greater Branch of God, to whose advent my soul, my being, and my existence are ransom. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اینکه از اغصان اللّه و افنانه سؤال فرموده بودید در ساحت اقدس عرض شد فرمودند تا حال آنچه ذکر افنان از قلم اعلی جاری شد مقصود نفوس منتسبۀ بنقطۀ اولی بوده چه که در این ظهور کل را بافق اعلی دعوت نمودیم و ببحر اعظم هدایت کردیم در اوّل ایّام مناجاتی مخصوص ایشان نازل و در آن مناجات توفیق ایمان و عرفان از برای ایشان مقدّر انشآءاللّه به ما اراده اللّه عامل باشند و بر این امر اعظم اعظم ثابت و راسخ طوبی لهم بما سمّیناهم بهذا الاسم الّذی تضوّعت منه رائحة الرّحمن فی الامکان و ایشان را باین سدره نسبت داده‌ایم فضلاً من لدنّا علیهم فاسئل اللّه بأن یحفظهم من اشارات القوم و شبهات العلم و فضّلنا بعضهم علی بعض فی کتاب ما اطّلع به الّا اللّه ربّ العالمین و سوف یظهر ما قدّر لهم من لدن مقدّر خبیر و نفوسیکه حال بسدره منتسبند به ذوی القربی در کتاب اسماء مذکور اگر به ما اراده اللّه عامل باشند طوبی لهم بما اقبلوا و فازوا و لهم ان یسئلوا اللّه بأن یحفظهم و یوفّقهم علی الاستقامة علی ما هم علیه امروز روزیست که جمیع نفوس باید جهد نمایند تا بکلمۀ رضا از نزد مالک اسماء فائز شوند و مقصود از اغصان اغصان موجوده ولکن در رتبۀ اوّلیّه غصنین اعظمین بوده و هست و نفوس بعد از اثمار و اوراق شمرده میشوند و در اموال ناس از برای اغصان حقّی نبوده و نیست انتهی و این آیۀ مبارکه ذکر شده بود قوله جلّ کبریائه ان ارجعوا ما لا عرفتموه من الکتاب الی الفرع المنشعب من هذا الأصل القویم مقصود از کتاب کتاب اقدس و فرع منشعب غصن بوده انتهی (edit)
And as for your question about the branches (Aghsán) of God and His offshoots (Afnán), it was presented in the Most Sacred Presence. It was stated that, so far, what has been mentioned about the Afnán from the Highest Pen refers to the souls associated with the Primal Point, because in this manifestation we have called everyone to the highest horizon and guided them to the greatest sea. In the early days, a special supplication for them was revealed, and in that supplication, the success of faith and recognition was ordained for them. God willing, they may act according to what God wills and remain steadfast and firm on this greatest matter. Blessed are they, for we have named them with this name from which the fragrance of the Merciful emanates in existence, and we have attributed them to this Lote Tree as a bounty from Us upon them. Ask God to protect them from the insinuations of the people and the suspicions of knowledge, and We have preferred some of them over others in Our book, which none but God, the Lord of the Worlds, has insight into. Soon, what has been predestined for them by the all-knowing Planner will appear, and the souls now attributed to the Lote Tree are mentioned among those close in the book of names. If they act according to what God wills, blessed are they for they have approached and succeeded, and it is for them to ask God to preserve them and grant them success in steadfastness in their state. Today is the day when all souls must strive to succeed with the word of acceptance from the Owner of Names. The intention regarding the branches (Aghsán) pertains to the existing branches, but in the primary rank were the two greatest branches, and the souls are counted after the fruits and leaves. There has been and is no right for the branches in the wealth of the people. The end. And this blessed verse had been mentioned, His saying, may His glory be exalted, 'Refer ye whatsoever ye understand not in the Book to Him Who hath branched from this mighty Stock.' The intention from the Book is the Most Holy Book, and 'the branch which hath branched' means a branch. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
در بارۀ صوم مسافر و حدّ سفر این سؤال شده بود (حدود سفر و مسافر بیان شود که اطلاق اسم سفر بر چه مسافر میشود و در بین مسافرت هر گاه در محلّی چند روز اقامت شود تکلیف او چیست و در روزیکه مسافر قصد سفر میکند مثلاً وقت ظهر یا بعد از ظهر مسافر میشود تکلیف او در آن یوم از صبح الی ظهر چیست) حدود سفر نه ساعت در کتاب الهی معیّن شده یعنی از مقامیکه حرکت مینماید تا مقامیکه ارادۀ وصول بآن نموده نه ساعت باشد حکم صوم مرتفع است و اگر مسافر در محلّی توقّف نماید و معیّن باشد توقّف او تا نوزده یوم باید صائم شود و اگر کمتر باشد صوم بر او نیست و اگر در بین شهر صیام در محلّی وارد شود و اراده نماید یکشهر بیان در آن ارض توقّف کند باید سه روز افطار نماید و بعد مابقی ایّام صوم را صائم شود و اگر در وطن خود وارد شود باید همان یوم صائم گردد و یومیکه قصد سفر مینماید آن یوم صوم جایز نه (edit)
This question had been asked about the fast of a traveler and the definition of travel (to define the boundaries of travel and who is considered a traveler, and what is required if a traveler stays in a place for a few days, and what is required on the day a traveler intends to travel, for example, if they start their journey at noon or after noon, what is their obligation from morning until noon). The limit of travel is defined in the Divine Book as nine hours from the place of departure to the destination where one intends to arrive; during this time, the obligation of fasting is lifted. If a traveler stops in a place and it is determined that the stop will be up to nineteen days, they must observe fasting. If the stop is less than this, fasting is not obligatory for them. If a traveler enters a city during the fasting period and plans to stay in that area for a month, they must break their fast for three days and then observe fasting for the remaining days. If they return to their homeland, they must fast on that day. On a day when they intend to travel, fasting is not permissible. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)

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