Ahsan al-Qasas/GPT4 13

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Surah of the Witness (The Blindness)

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

When they said to Joseph and his brother, "Our father loves you more than us, and we are a strong group. Truly, our father is in clear error." God has revealed the Book from Him, clarifying everything, a mercy and a good news for Our servants who have knowledge of the high remembrance of God, insightful of the Book. When they said the letters, "There is no god but God," and that Joseph is more beloved to our father than us by what preceded of God's knowledge, a letter hidden in the secret, veiled in the secret, absent in the line, elevated in the secret of the hidden, beyond what is in our hands and the hands of all worlds.

And indeed, We are a faction in what God intended concerning the matter of Joseph, the Prophet Muhammad the Arab, written around the line. And God has favored our father with His own grace and measured the hidden secret of His affair by what is in the hands of the worlds with clear revelation. The Merciful is established on the throne, and He is God, was over everything capable. And God has created things by His power truly and justly, and He is the one who invented the heavens and the earth and what is between them by His command, creatively around the fire, to teach people that the matter of God was in the Mother of the Book, existing around the fire truly and justly.

And He is God, was by His power watchful over everything, and He is God, was encompassing everything. And He is God, intended in the hidden of the secret on the secret of the line at the point of the door, interpretatively. And He is the one who made the selection from the door for the knowers truly and justly witnessed. O servants of the Merciful, shake towards this date palm trunk by the permission of your true Lord, God, who placed it in the Mother of the Book truly and justly from the truth, high. And He is the one who drops from it to your souls, moist on the truth truly, harvested.

For indeed, We have marked His remembrance by the Merciful in a day that was in the Mother of the Book anciently, and you in that day were not forgotten in the book, nor around the fire forgotten. And do not say how does one speak about God who was in the age on the truth truly, twenty-five. Listen, for by the Lord of the heavens and the earth, I am a servant of God, clear signs have come to me from the remainder of God, the Awaited Imam before you, this is my book, it was with God in the Mother of the Book, written truly on the truth.

And God has made me blessed wherever I was and commanded me with prayer and patience as long as I am alive among you on the earth. And those who invoke from God some of the narratives concerning the door on the door unjustly a little, do they think they can produce a book like this from God, the truth, witnessed on the truth? The truth truly says, "There is no god but God alone, He has no partner, and there is nothing like Him, and He is God, was by the truth on the truth anciently. If the humans and the jinn were to gather to produce a book like this truly, they would not be able, even if they were from the people of the earth and like them helped by some.

By your true Lord, they would not be able with a fraction of its letter, nor on its interpretations of some of the secret, at all. And God has sent it down by His power from Him, and people cannot match a letter of it by analogy at all, without comparison. These are the news of the unseen inspired to you, you were by God, the Praiseworthy, around the fire, and soon your Lord will come to you on the Day of Judgment, the judgment of truth raised from Him. Enter whom you wish into the mercy of God and turn away from the wrongdoers around Hell and let them in the fire on the truth, prostrate.

Do you believe in some of the book and disbelieve in some? Has God permitted this for you, or do you invent lies about God from where you were by the knowledge of Satan unjustly on the wrong by the truth, deceived? And indeed, We have sent down the remembrance, and God and His angels were over you by the truth, watchful. Fear, O servants of God, and be sincere in the religion of God, witnesses on the truth. Those who fear their Lord in the unseen and were by the Merciful and His allies around the door, chosen truly, so soon God will teach them their judgments of what they need for themselves openly from the truth to the truth soon.

And God has revealed to me if you love God, then follow me in this religion by the truth on the truth from the truth to the creation, uprightly. And your Lord, God, said by the truth, "I am merciful on my believing servants from the people of the door truly on the truth." And exalted is God above what the wrongdoers say in the signs of the door, greatly high. Say, "The command of God has come, so do not hasten it, for the command of God was on the truth by the truth near, and the promise of God was truly enacted."