Lawh-i-Istintaq/GPT4 31

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If all the worlds become disbelievers, no speck will settle on His garment of Majesty.

One day, I was present at the court of the Throne, and I was addressed by the face of God. He said, "Have you heard that the sincere ones are in great danger? O servant present at the Throne, scholars of the apparent have disputed among the companions of the Messenger about who truly qualifies as a companion. Some have said that the companions are those souls who have spent a year or more in the service of His Holiness and have stood for jihad in the way of Allah. Others have said that anyone who has confessed to the word of unity and met the Messenger is considered a companion, even if it was just once. Some have said that this term truly applies to the souls that the Holy Messenger has specifically addressed by this name. And some have said they are souls that were trusted in the presence of His Holiness, present both in travel and in stay. However, most scholars have said that everyone who has embraced Islam, seen the Prophet, peace be upon him, and his companions, even for the briefest moment, is indeed from the companions. Thus, at the farewell pilgrimage, there were forty thousand souls with His Holiness, and on the day of His Holiness's death in Medina, one hundred and twenty-four thousand gathered. Yet, only a few of these souls have drunk from the pure wine of certainty and entered into the fountains of divine grace.

However, conversations like these arise from negligence, and we ask God to support everyone in what He loves and is pleased with. So, O friends of truth, do not be satisfied with mere listening and do not close your hearts to the old illusions. By God, today evil souls have prevented the weak from the divine law with their former illusions. Listen to the address of this servant, a servant at the Throne, and stand upright on the path of unity, and manifest the truth in a manner that leaves no room for turning away. All the divine books indicate this, as recently one of the friends, who belonged to various religions, presented a petition, and in that petition, he put forward two narratives that have been translated from the Greek tongue into Arabic in the old books. The first statement says, "Satan will appear on the island of Qaf and will prevent people from the Merciful. When that time comes, turn to the Holy Land from which the breath of God passes." The end. And it is known that Qaf, which is Cyprus, is famous as all Turks call Cyprus the devil's island. And the Holy Land is now known to have become the established Throne.

And the second statement says, "The bubble will appear on the appointed island. He is short-statured, with a lot of beard, a narrow forehead and chest, yellow eyes and hair, his hair reaching his back, and he will have disheveled hair like a lion. When that time comes, draw near to Mount Carmel, even crawling, then turn to the Holy Valley, the land of resurrection, the white spot." The end.