Lawh-i-Istintaq/GPT4 25

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"[Until He, Glorified be His Grandeur, said:]

'O King, indeed, we heard a word from you, which you spoke when the King of Russia asked you about the verdicts of the campaign, [saying] "Your Lord is indeed All-Knowing, All-Aware." You said, "I was asleep on my bed when the call of the oppressed who were wronged woke me up," until they were drowned in the black sea. Thus we heard, and your Lord is a witness to what I say. We testify that it was not the call that awakened you, but rather desire, for We have tested you and found you isolated. Recognize the tone of speech and be among the discerning. We do not wish for any word of evil to revert to you, preserving the status that We have granted you in the manifest life. We chose etiquette and made it the innate nature of those brought near. Indeed, it is a garment that suits souls, both young and old. Blessed is the one who made it the embellishment of their temple, and woe to those deprived of this great bounty. Had you been the owner of the word, you would not have cast aside the Book of God behind your back when it was sent to you from One Mighty, Wise. Indeed, We tested you with that and found you lacking in what you claimed. Rise and make amends for what has passed by you, for soon the world and what you possess will perish, and dominion will remain for God, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers of old. It is not befitting for you to limit matters to what your desires incline to. Beware of the sighs of the oppressed lest you be pierced by the arrows of the wrongdoers. By what you have done, affairs in your kingdom will change, and sovereignty will slip from your grasp as recompense for your deeds. Should you find yourself in manifest loss, and earthquakes seize all tribes, unless you rise to support this Cause and follow the Spirit on this straight path. What has honored you has deluded you; by My life, it will not last and will surely vanish unless you hold fast to this firm mountain. We see abasement looming behind you, and indeed, you are among those who are asleep."