Lawh-i-Istintaq/GPT4 17

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Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, has revealed to some of His prophets in some of His revelations, "By My might and majesty, I will surely cut off the hope of every hopeful who hopes in others beside Me, and I will surely clothe him with the garment of humiliation among people, and I will surely distance him from My grace and relief if he hopes in times of hardship in others beside Me, when the keys to them are in My hands. Why do I see My servant turning away from Me when I have given him what he did not ask Me? Should he ask and then I do not give generously? Of course not, is not generosity and honor mine? Is not the world and the hereafter in My hands? If every being from the inhabitants of the heavens asked Me for like the heavens and the earth and I gave it to them, it would not decrease what is in My Kingdom by the amount equivalent to a mosquito's wing."

And like these statements, which mostly are not considered continuously, "from the fountain of the Most Merciful, the cups of discourse have been filled with the wine of your Lord's remembrance. What has remained in the mind of this servant, I have presented. How can I convey what on that blessed night the verses of power, majesty, and sovereignty were running, pouring, and descending like the elixir of discourse bestowed upon those in existence, and the ocean of generosity has been sprinkled upon the nations, and the secret enveloped in the secret manifested upon those in the unseen and the witnesses, and many such discourses have not remained in sight."

Then, at the seventh hour, one of the officers came and took His Holiness the Step [Jamál-i-Qadam], the Greatest Branches [Ghusn-i-A`ẓam], and Mr. Mírzá Muhammad Qulí. As previously stated, His Holiness the Step and the Greatest Branch were taken to a place next to the barracks, Mr. Mírzá was taken to another location, and His Holiness the Greatest Branch was imprisoned in the barracks under iron restraint, this servant and the other friends were imprisoned in a very dark place under iron restraint. On the second night, a telegram from the governor came, changing the location of His Holiness the Step to a high dome above the barracks. The Greatest Branches and Mr. Mírzá were brought into the presence of the Most Holy, the Most Exalted, and they stayed in the dome for thirty-eight and a half hours, after which again on the fifth day, four hours after noon, they were called back to the palace for questioning. While turning attention to the assembly, the Tongue of Grandeur spoke with this utterance: