Lawh-i-Istintaq/GPT4 7

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"O Eternal God, You are the witness and aware that this servant at all times and moments has sought nothing but Your pleasure, and by Your grace, God willing, shall not do otherwise. Always, the eyes of this servant have been looking towards the greatest horizon and the heart attentive to the source of command. Whatever has been seen and understood has been presented in pure service to Your friends, so that perhaps receptive souls may drink from the fount of life that has flowed in the days of revelation from the finger of Your grace and bounty, and may turn their attention to the dawn of Your command and the orient of Your revelation. For some time, this servant has chosen silence over speech until it was observed in these days that the dark dust of oblivion stirred by the heedless souls is moving, and there was a fear that it might cloud some of the feeble sights. Therefore, relying on You and detaching from all else, this servant has deemed it necessary to relate some of the events that have taken place to Your beloved who are settled on the carpet of steadfastness and have drunk from the nectar of Your favor, so that perhaps they may protect the weak from the darkness of selfish desires and the satanic insinuations.

By Your greatness, O Creator, at this time all the trembling members and unstable pillars of this servant, how can it be worthy that his words be accepted or his speech be mentioned? How can the how of existence rise up and where can the sheer non-existence encounter the appearance of existence? Because the mere presentation of these matters is an expression of existence, and that is counted among the greatest sins. But as it is presented for the sake of drawing nearer to the shore of Your proximity and the meeting, and for the souls to turn towards the Qibla of those in earth and heaven, therefore I beg forgiveness from the ocean of Your pardon, even though this servant certainly knows that You have always been independent of the remembrances and knowledge and the turning towards of people. Their approach does not benefit You, nor does their turning away harm You in any way. No description reaches Your sacred threshold, and no mention comes upon the mat of Your unity. Rather, any mention of unity in Your sacred threshold is purely sin and pure neglect, for the nobility thereof is in relation to You and is not attributed to it. If You were to drive them all away with their entirety, who could prevent You in that? And if You were to elevate them as You have elevated, who could object to Your action? Indeed, You are praiseworthy in all that You will and in all that You say and reveal.

By Your might, O my God, I do not wish to choose for myself other than what You have chosen for me, nor do I want to speak except by what You command me to. My being shall look towards the horizon of Your commands and the orient of Your decrees. If You fold up the carpet of those who remember, which is spread out on the earth, I would say You are the sovereign in Your command, and if You command me with what is disliked among the kingdom, I would say You are the obeyed in Your decree. I ask You, O God, to make me among those who have not spoken except by Your permission and have not moved except by Your will. Indeed, You are the All-Powerful, the Most High, the Sovereign, the Sustainer."

"The presentation is made at the time of the entry of the beauty of the Divine Presence into the prison of Akka. For a while, the matter was very intense, and the details of it were presented to some of the friends during those days, and repetition is not necessary. Everyone was in utmost difficulty until one day a tablet from the source of the command was revealed and this servant proceeded to transcribe it. A verse from the heaven of will descended and named this prison 'The Most Great Prison.' This servant thought that this was directed to him, being named with this name, until one day verses were revealed saying, 'Reflect upon why we have named this prison the Most Great.' This discourse, which appeared from the dawn of divine revelation, made this servant very agitated and unstable, but trusting in God, I remained calm and in no way dared to ask until one day the mention of love and the turning towards one from the people of this city was presented to the divine throne. A specific tablet for him descended from the heaven of unity, detailing the events that had occurred on this earth, and that tablet is presently existing. After the revelation of that tablet, this servant knew that the greatness of this prison is due to the calamities that befall the Divine Presence until one day one of the companions, who was guilty and oppressive, got into a dispute and altercation with some of the companions, presented his case to the most sacred threshold and in that petition, claimed his innocence."