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Paragraph Arabic Authorized GPT4_
نامه آن جناب بین یدی العرش حاضر و بر مقر انه لا یعرف بما سواه واصل و ما فیه بلحاظ الله ملحوظ آمد سئوال شده بود از اینکه چگونه میشود که حرف علیین بسجین تبدیل میشود و یا اثبات بنفی راجع گردد و یا ثمره جنیه از لطافت ممنوع شود و یا مرآت از اشراقات انوار آفتاب معانی محروم ماند فنعم ما سئلت و کنت من السائلین بسیار سئوال شما مقبول افتاد چه که الیوم لازم است هر نفسیکه از عرفان معضلات مسائل الهیه عاجز شود از شریعه علم ربانیه و فرات حکمت صمدانیه سائل و آمل گردد که شاید برشحی از آن مشروب شود و بر بساط سکون (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) The letter from that esteemed individual is present before the Throne, and it rests upon the acknowledgment that none knows what is beyond Him, and everything within that context is under the divine scrutiny. The question posed was about how the letter 'Aleein transforms into 'Sajeen,' or how affirmation turns into negation, or how the fruitful tree becomes devoid of its delicacy, or how the mirror remains devoid of the illuminations of the sun of meanings. Truly, what an excellent question you have posed, and you are among the questioners. Your question is very well-received. Today, it is essential for anyone who finds themselves incapable of understanding the divine dilemmas to inquire from the divine law and the river of unifying wisdom, with hopes that perhaps they will taste a droplet of that drink and find rest on the carpet of tranquility. (edit)
و ایقان مستریح گردد و نسئل الله بأن یصعدک إلی مقام تشهد جمال القدم ببصرک و تنقطع بصر العالمین و تسمع نغماته بإذنک و تنقطع عن أفئدة کل من فی السموات و الأرضین و یطهّرک عن دنس الدنیا و ما فیها بحیث ان ما تمر علی شئ إلا و قد تسمع بأنه لا إله إلا هو و ان طلعة الأعلی لبهائه فی الملأ الأعلی و ضیائه بین الأرض و السماء و کبریائه لمن فی ملکوت الأمر و الخلق و کذلک ینطق کل شئ إن أنت من السامعین (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) And may your certainty be at ease, and we ask God to elevate you to the station where you witness the beauty of the Eternal with your sight, where the sight of all worlds is severed. And you hear its melodies with your hearing, and all hearts in the heavens and the earth are severed from it. And may He purify you from the filth of this world and what is in it, so that as you pass by anything, you would hear it declaring that there is no god but He. And the highest eminence is due to His glory in the highest assembly, and His light is between the earth and the heavens, and His grandeur is for those in the dominion of command and creation. Likewise, everything speaks if you are among those who listen. (edit)
چه که الیوم بر هر نفسی من عند الله فرض شده که بچشم و گوش و فؤاد خود در امر او ملاحظه نماید و تفکر کند تا از بدایع مرحمت رحمن و فیوضات حضرت سبحان باشراقات شمس معانی مستنیر و فائز شود و علتی که جمیع ناس را از لقاء الله محروم نموده و بما سواه مشغول داشته اینست که بوهم صرف کفایت نموده‌اند و بآنچه از امثال خود شنیده قناعت کرده‌اند براههای مهلک تقلید مشی نموده‌اند و از مناهج تجرید محروم شده‌اند امر الهی چون صبح نورانی ظاهر و لائح بوده اینکه بعضی از ادراک او محتجب مانده‌اند نظر بآن است که گوش و قلب را بآلایش کلمات ناس آلوده‌اند و الا اگر ناظر باصل میزان معرفت الهی باشند هرگز از سبیل هدایت محروم نگردند حال خود آنجناب ملاحظه نمائید امر از دو قسم بیرون نه یا آنکه اهل بیان مقرند بقدرت الهیه یا نه اگر معترف نیستند باین نفوس حرفی نداریم چه که از ملل قبل محسوبند که ید الله را مغلول دانسته‌اند چنانچه ربّ العزّة خبر داده بقوله تعالی: ﴿یَدُ اللهِ مَغلُولَةٌ﴾ (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) For today, it is incumbent upon every soul, in the sight of God, to observe with their eyes, ears, and hearts His cause and to contemplate so that they may be illumined and benefit from the marvels of the Compassionate's mercy and the effusions of the Sublime Presence with the illuminations of the sun of meanings. The reason that has deprived all people from meeting God and has preoccupied them with other than Him is that they have deemed their delusions to be sufficient and have been content with what they have heard from the likes of themselves. They have walked the perilous paths of imitation and have been deprived of the paths of abstraction. When the divine command appeared like a radiant dawn and was manifest, some have been veiled from perceiving it. The reason is that they have contaminated their ears and hearts with the pollution of the words of people. Otherwise, if the observer is aligned with the true measure of divine knowledge, they will never be deprived of the path of guidance. Observe your own state; matters are of two kinds: either those who articulate are connected with divine power, or not. If they do not confess, we have no words for these souls, for they are considered among the previous religions who have deemed the Hand of God to be chained, as the Lord of Glory has informed with His exalted statement: "God's hand is chained." (edit)
و اگر معترفند ببدایع قدرت ربانی دراینصورت اعتکاف باینگونه مسائل لغو بوده و باطل خواهد بود چه که عجز شأن خلق بوده و ان ذات قدم لا زال بر عرش قدرت و اقتدار مستوی و اگر اراده فرماید بحرفی جمیع من علی الارض را بسموات امر متصاعد فرماید و بحرف دیگر بأدنی رتبة خلق راجع نماید و لیس لأحد أن یقول لِمَ و بِمَ و من قال فقد کفر بالله و أعرض عن قدرته و حارب بنفسه و نازع بسلطانه و کان من المشرکین فی ألواح عزّ حفیظ و همچنین قادر است باینکه هر وقت اراده فرماید مظهر نفس خود را در بین بریه مبعوث نماید و در حین ظهور او باید از نفس ظهور او تعالی حجت و دلیل خواست اگر بآن حجتیکه لا زال ما بین ناس بوده اتیان فرمود دیگر توقف باطل است بلکه اگر کل من فی السموات و الأرض أقل من حین توقف نمایند از اهل نار محسوب اگر چه جمیع ادعای ولایت نمایند عزیز میکند هر که را اراده فرماید و ذلیل میفرماید هر که را بخواهد لا یُسئل عما یفعل (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) And if they acknowledge the novelties of divine power, then abstaining from such questions will be void and futile, because incapacity is the status of creation. That eternal essence has always been seated on the throne of power and authority. And if He wills with a word, He can elevate all those on Earth to the heavens, and with another word, He can degrade the rank of creation. And no one has the right to say why and for what. Whoever says so has disbelieved in God, turned away from His power, fought with himself, contested His authority, and is among the polytheists in the tablets of glory and preservation. Likewise, He is capable that whenever He wills, He manifests the appearance of His Self among creation. And at the time of His appearance, one must seek from His manifest Self the argument and proof. If He comes with the argument that has always been among people, any other hesitation is false. In fact, if all those in the heavens and the Earth hesitate for less than a moment, they will be considered among the dwellers of hell, even if they all claim guardianship. He honors whomever He wills and humiliates whomever He wishes. He is not questioned for what He does. (edit)
حال آنجناب بانصاف ملاحظه نمایند اگر نفسی بجمیع شئونات قدرتیه الهیه ظاهر شود و علاوه بر آن اتیان نماید بآن حجتیکه لازال بآن اثبات دین ناس شده و امر الله بین بریه او ثابت گشته و معذلک از چنین ظهور که نفس ظهور الله بوده نفسی اعراض نماید و باعراض هم کفایت ننموده بر قتلش قیام نماید آیا بر چنین نفسی چه حکم جاری قل حکمه عند الله یحکم ما یشاء کما حکم بالحق و لکن الناس هم لا یشعرون آیا در هیچ عهدی و ملتی چنین امری جایز بوده لا فو نفسه الرحمن الرحیم اگر بگویند این ظهور نباید ظاهر شود چنانچه مشرکین گفته‌اند در اینصورت قدرت و اراده حق منوط و معلق باراده خلق میشود فتعالی عن ذلک عُلُوًّا کبیرًا چنانچه در ظهور ستین کل ناس از عالم و جاهل باین سخنهای مزخرف بیمعنی از حق محروم شده‌اند و از علیین بقا بسجیین فنا راجع گشته‌اند و بگمان خود بر اعلی مقعد ایمان مستقرند فبئس ما ظنّوا فی أنفسهم و کانوا من المتوهّمین (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Consider fairly the situation if a soul appears endowed with all divine qualities and, furthermore, brings forth evidence that has always been used to establish the faith among people and confirm the command of God among His creatures. Now, if another soul turns away from such a divine manifestation, and not just turns away but also takes up arms to kill them, what is the judgement on such a soul? Say, the judgement lies with God; He judges as He wills, just as He has always judged truthfully. Yet, most people are unaware. Has such an act ever been permissible in any dispensation or faith? No, by the essence of the Most Merciful, the Compassionate. If they say this manifestation should not appear, as the idolaters have claimed, then the power and will of God becomes contingent upon the will of His creation. Exalted is He above such a notion. Just like during the advent of Moses, all people, learned and ignorant, became deprived of the truth due to these baseless, meaningless statements. They deviated from the loftiest stations of eternity to the depths of annihilation, thinking themselves to be firmly established on the highest seat of faith. How terrible is what they presume about themselves, for they are among the deluded. (edit)
فی أُمِّ الألواح مذکورا باری نظر را از ما سوی الله بردار و بحق ناظر شو و بما یظهر من عنده چه که دون او لا شئ محض بوده و خواهد بود و اگر الیوم کل من فی السموات و الأرض حروفات بیانیه شوند که بصد هزار رتبه از حروفات فرقانیه اعظم و اکبرند و اقل من آن در این امر توقف نمایند از معرضین عند الله محسوبند و از احرف نفی منسوب حق جل و عز را باحدی نسبت و ربط و مشابهت و مشاکلت نه و کل بنسبتهم الی عرفانه مفتخر و معزز بوده و خواهند بود جمال سبحان بر عرش رحمن مستوی و پرتو انوار شمس فضلش بر کل اشیاء بالسویه اشراق و تجلی فرموده و جمیع من فی الملک بین یدی الفضل در صقع واحد قائمند و ذرهٴ را بر ذره افتخار و زیادتی نه إلا بسبقتها إلی عرفان الله و لقائه فطوبی لمن عرفه بنفسه و انقطع عما سواه (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) In the Mother of Tablets it is mentioned: Turn your gaze away from us towards God, and look with the truth at what appears from Him. For apart from Him, everything is mere nothingness, has been and will be. If today, all that is in the heavens and the earth were to be expressed in words, which are a hundred thousand ranks superior to the words of the Quran, and if anyone hesitates at the least in this matter, they are considered deniers in the sight of God. Do not attribute to the Almighty any comparison, relation, resemblance, or contradiction. Everything, in relation to their knowledge of Him, has been and will be honored and esteemed. The beauty of the All-Glorious is established on the Throne of the All-Merciful, and the rays of the sun of His grace shine upon all things. All that is in the dominion stand humbly in a single plane before His grace. No atom gains any honor or increase over another atom except by precedence in knowledge of God and meeting Him. Blessed is the one who knows Him by Himself and secludes himself from all else. (edit)
ای علی بشنو نداء الله را و بمقری وارد شو که لا زال مقدس از اسماء بوده و خواهد بود تا بهیچ اسمی از جمال مسمی و سلطانیکه باراده قلمش ملکوت اسماء خلق شده محروم نگردی فو الله الذی لا إله إلا هو که مقصود از این بیان آن است که شاید آنجناب و معدودی خرق حجاب نموده بسراد ق قدس محبوب که مقدس از ظنون و اوهام عباد بوده در آیند و إلا إنه لمتعالی عن إقبال الخلق و إعراضهم و مقدّس عن العالمین آیا در حین اشراق شمس لایق است نفسی سئوال نماید که چگونه میشود نور انجم اخذ شود و حال آنکه ملاحظه مینماید که نور آفتاب روشنی او را معدوم نموده بلکه در اینمقام نجوم طالب ظلمت لیلند و از نور نهار معرض چه که قدر و ضیاء نجوم در لیل مشهود است و از تجلی نیر یوم معدوم و مفقود میگردند فسبحانه عن المثل و الأمثال چه که لا زال نیر جمالش مستضئی بوده و احدی با او نبوده و کل ما سواه در امکنه ترابیه بمشیت امکانیه خلق شده‌اند و باو راجع خواهند شد و انه جلّ و عزّ در مقعد امتناع و مقر ارتفاع خود لم یزل و لا یزال مقدّس از کل بوده و خواهد بود بسیار عجب است که از تغییر و تبدیل اسماء ناس تعجب مینمایند و متحیر شده‌اند با آنکه جمیع در کل حین تغییر و تبدیل مظاهر اسماء و مطالع آنرا ببصر ظاهر مشاهده مینمایند و مع ذلک بحجبات وهمیه و کلمات شرکیه چنان محتجب مانده‌اند که از آنچه ببصر ظاهر (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) O Ali, heed the call of God and enter the sanctuary that has always been, and will always be, sanctified among the names. Lest you be deprived of any name of beauty and sovereignty that by the will of His pen has created the celestial realm of names, for God is the one and only God. The purpose of this utterance is that perhaps you and a select few might tear the veils and enter the beloved holy sanctuary that has been sanctified from the conjectures and illusions of the worshippers. Verily, He is exalted above the approach or avoidance of creation and sanctified above the worlds. Is it fitting, during the rise of the sun, for someone to question how the light of the stars can be captured, when one observes that the light of the sun has rendered their luminance nonexistent? In this station, the stars seek the darkness of the night, avoiding the light of day, for the splendor and radiance of the stars are visible at night, and by the illumination of daytime they become nonexistent and lost. So glorified is He beyond similitudes and parables. His beauty's light has always been radiant, and no one shares with Him. All else have been created in earthly possibilities by His permissive will and will return to Him. He, in His unapproachable and exalted station, has always been and will always be sanctified above all. It is astonishing that people marvel and are puzzled at the transformation and alteration of names, when they all observe with their outward eyes the change and transformation of the manifestations of names. Yet, due to veils of illusion and words of polytheism, they remain so veiled that they have become heedless of what they observe with their outward eyes. (edit)
ملاحظه مینمایند غافل شده‌اند ای سائل اسماء و صفات الهی را موهوم مدان بدانکه جمیع اشیاء که ما بین ارض و سماء خلق شده مظاهر اسماء و مطالع صفات حق تعالی شأنه بوده و خواهد بود غایت اینست که انسان نسبت بدون خود اعظم رتبه و اکبر مقاما خلق شد و اگر در سماء ما تری فی خلق الرحمن من تفاوت ارتقا نمائی در خلق رحمانی و مطالع صنع سبحانی تفاوت و فتور نبینی فطوبی لمن طار فی هذا الهواء الذی ما طارت فیه أجنحة المریبین و حال ملاحظه نما در جمیع این مظاهر اسمیه الهیه از أشجار و أفنان و أغصان و أثمار و همچنین در اوراد و ازهار و کلّما زیّنت علی وجه الأرض که در اول بچه مقدار طراوت و لطافت و نضارت ظاهر میشوند و بعد از مدتی کل از خلع لطیفه عاری شده بارض راجع شوند و چه مقدار از ثمرات جنسیه که تغییر نماید بشأنیکه از رائحه او انسان اجتناب نماید باری کل در علو و دنو و تغییر و تبدیل مگر مظاهر کلیه الهیه که بنفسه لنفسه قائم و باقیند قسم بآفتاب صبح معانی که لسان الهی بشأن و اندازه ناس تکلم میفرماید چه که اکثری از ناس ببلوغ نرسیده‌اند و الا بابی از علم بر وجه عباد مفتوح میفرمود که کل من فی السموات و الأرض بافاضه قلمیه او از علم ما سوی خود را غنی مشاهده نموده بر اعراش سکون مستقر میشدند و نظر بعدم استعداد ناس جواهر علم ربانی و اسرار حکمت صمدانی در سماء مشیت الهی محفوظ و مستور مانده تا حین حرفی از آن نازل نشده و بعد الأمر بیده یفعل ما یشاء و لا یُسئل عما شاء و هو العلیم الخبیر (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Observe, they have become heedless. O seeker, do not consider the Divine Names and Attributes to be imaginary. Know that all things created between the earth and the heavens are manifestations of the Names and the study of the Attributes of the Most High. The ultimate purpose is that man was created in relation to Him in the highest rank and greatest station. If you do not see any difference in the creation of the Merciful and the study of the Glorious Act, blessed is the one who soars in this air in which the wings of the doubters have not soared. Now observe in all these manifestations of the Divine Names, from trees and branches and twigs and fruits, as well as in herbs and flowers, and all that adorns the face of the earth; they initially show a degree of freshness, delicacy, and brightness. After some time, they all shed their delicate attire and return to the earth. How many types of fruits change in such a way that one avoids their smell. Verily, all, in rising and falling and change and transformation, except for the manifestations of the Divine Essence, are by themselves, for themselves, established and enduring. I swear by the sun of meanings that the Divine Tongue speaks in such a manner that most of the people have not reached maturity; otherwise, a door of knowledge would have been opened to the face of the servants, and all who are in the heavens and the earth would have observed with the ink of His pen from our knowledge towards themselves, established on the thrones of stillness. Due to the lack of preparedness of the people, the jewels of Divine knowledge and the secrets of Eternal wisdom remain preserved and concealed in the heaven of Divine Will until a moment when a word from it is not revealed. Afterward, the matter is in His hand; He does what He wills and is not questioned about what He wills. He is the All-knowing, the All-Aware. (edit)
واگر از این عبد میشنوی پرهای تحدید و تقلید را بیفکن وبه پرهای تجرید در این هوای قدس توحید پرواز کن تا از شبهات وهمیه و اشارات ریبیه خود را مقدس یابی وبانوار یقین خود را منور بینی بگوش جان کلمات رحمانی را اصغاء نما که شاید قلب از غبار مکدره اوهام که در این ایام کل من فی المُلک را احاطه نموده مطهر شده بمنظر اکبر راجع شود و چون باین مقام اقدس امنع اطهر فائز شوی ملاحظه مینمائی که مقصود ما فی البیان که از سماء مشیت ظهور قبلم نازل شده این ظهور بوده و خواهد بود فو الذی نفس حسین فی قبضة قدرته که اعظم از این امر در بیان نازل نشده ببصر منیر حدید در او ملاحظه نمائید تا بر مقصود کلمات قدس ربانی مطلع شوید و در جمیع اوراق و الواح و رقاع و صحف و زبر و کتب کل ناس را وصیت فرموده و از جمیع اخذ عهد نموده که مبادا در حین ظهور بشئ از آنچه خلق شد متمسک شوند و از نفس ظهور محتجب مانند چه که در آن یوم هیچ شئ نفع نمی‌بخشد إلا بعد إذنه. (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) If from this servant you hear, cast aside the feathers of limitation and imitation, and with the feathers of abstraction soar in this air of the sanctity of unity. So that you may sanctify yourself from conjectural doubts and insinuations of uncertainty, and see yourself illumined with the light of certainty. Listen attentively to the words of the Merciful, so that perhaps your heart may become purified from the murky dust of illusions that in these days have enveloped all who are in the domain. And turn towards the Greater Vision, and when you achieve this most sanctified, most secure, and purest station, you will observe that our aim in expression, which has descended prior to this pen from the heaven of Divine Will, has been and will be this appearance. It is He in whose grasp is the soul of Husayn, that greater than this matter has not been revealed in expression. Observe it with an illumined and sharp vision so that you may be informed of the aim of the sacred Divine words. And in all leaves, tablets, scrolls, pages, parchments, and books, He has instructed all people and has taken a covenant from all, that they should not, during the appearance, adhere to anything that was created and remain veiled from the soul of the appearance. For on that day, nothing will avail, except after His permission. (edit)
بوحید اکبر میفرمایند و انتظروا من یذکرکم الله وجهه فإنکم ما خلقتم إلا للقائه و هو الذی علّق کل شئ بأمره إیّاک إیّاک أیام ظهوره أن تحتجب بالواحد البیانیة فإن ذلک الواحد خَلقٌ عنده و إیّاک إیّاک أن تحتجب بکلمات ما نزلت فی البیان فإنها کلمات نفسه فی هیکل ظهوره من قبل حال در این کلمات سلطان اسماء وصفات تفکر نمائید با این آیات محکمه و کلمات متقنه دیگر مجال اعراض برای نفسی باقی میماند لا فو الذی أنطق الروح فی صدری مگر آنکه بالمره از حق اعراض نماید و بیان خلق اولیه‌اند و ما دونهم خلقوا فی ظلّهم و همچنین بوحید اکبر میفرمایند و ربّما یأتیک من أنت قد سئلت عن علوّ ذکره و ارتفاع أمره و ان من فی البیان یقرئون تلک الکلمات و هم لا یلتفتون بظهوره و لا یؤمنون بالله الذی خلقهم بظهور قبله و هم راقدون. (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Buhá'u'l-Akbar (the Greater Revelation) says, "And anticipate the One who will remind you of God's Countenance, for you were not created but to meet Him. And He is the One who has suspended everything by His command. Beware, beware, during the days of His appearance that you do not veil yourself with the 'Unique Explanation', for that 'One' is but a creation in His sight. Beware, beware, that you do not veil yourself with the words that have descended in the explanation, for they are His own words in the structure of His appearance." Before this condition, ponder upon these words where the sovereignty of Names and Attributes lies. With these firm verses and precise words, no room for turning away remains for any soul, unless one turns away entirely from the Truth. Statements are the first creation, and what is below them is created in their shadow.

Similarly, Buhá'u'l-Akbar says, "Perhaps what you have asked about the elevation of His mention and the loftiness of His affair will come to you. There are those in the explanation who read these words, and yet they pay no attention to His appearance nor do they believe in God who created them by the appearance before Him, and they are asleep." (edit)

چنانچه حال ملاحظه میشود که کل تلاوت کتاب الله مینمایند و در لیل و نهار مینویسند و معذلک بحرفی از کتاب مستشعر نشده‌اند بلکه مقصود از ترویج جز تحقق ریاست و اثبات آن نبوده و نخواهد بود کذلک یشهد لسان الله المَلک العزیز العلیم و میفرمایند من أول ذلک الأمر إلی قبل أن تکمل تسعة کینونات الخلق لم تظهر و ان کلما قد رأیت من النطفة إلی ما کسوناه لَحمًا ثم اصبر حتی تشهد خلقًا آخر قل فتبارک الله أحسن الخالقین و همچنین بعظیم میفرماید هذا ما وعدناک قبل الذی أجبناک اصبر حتی یقضی عن البیان تسعة فإذا قل فتبارک الله أحسن المبدعین و میفرماید فلتراقبن فرق القائم و القیّوم ثم فی سنة التسع کل خیر تدرکون حال قدری در این کلمات تفکر فرمائید و همچنین در فرق قائم و قیوم تفکر لازم چه که این عبد از احزان وارده قادر بر تفسیر کلمات الله نه فو الله الذی لا إله إلا هو که تبلیغ أمر الله این عبد را بر تحریر این لوح مضطر نموده که شاید مصباحی چند در مشکوة امکان مستضئی شوند و بقدرة الله بر نصر این مظلوم (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) As it is observed, they all recite the Book of God and write it day and night, and yet they have not sensed a single letter from the Book. Rather, the purpose behind their promotion is nothing but the realization of leadership and its affirmation. Thus, testifies the Tongue of God, the Sovereign, the Mighty, the All-Knowing, and says, "From the beginning of this matter until before the completion of nine cycles of creation, it has not appeared. Every time you have seen from the sperm to what we have covered with flesh, then be patient until you witness another creation. Say, 'Blessed is God, the best of creators.'” In the same vein, He says, "This is what We promised you before we called you. Be patient until the explanation is completed in nine cycles. Then say, 'Blessed is God, the best of originators.'” He also says, "So observe the difference between the Qa'im and the Qayyum, then in the ninth year you will attain all good. Reflect a little on these words and also think about the difference between Qa'im and Qayyum. For this servant, who has entered from sorrows, is not capable of interpreting the words of God. By God, who there is no god but Him, the proclamation of God's command has compelled this servant to write this Tablet, so that perhaps a few lamps in the niche of possibility would be illuminated, and by the power of God, support this oppressed one. (edit)
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