Salat-i-Kabir/GPT4 6
O Aim of the world and Beloved of the nations, You see me turning towards You, severed from all but You, clinging to Your rope by which all possibilities are moved. O Lord, I am Your servant and the son of Your servant; I stand present between Your hands, subject to Your will and desire. What I seek is Your pleasure. I ask You by the ocean of Your mercy and the sun of Your grace to treat Your servant as You wish and are pleased with. By Your holy majesty, beyond mention and praise, whatever appears from You is the aim of my heart and the beloved of my soul. My God, my God, do not look at my hopes and deeds, but rather at Your will that encompasses the heavens and the earth, and Your Greatest Name. O Sovereign of the nations, I desire nothing but what You desire, and love nothing but what You love.