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Paragraph Arabic Authorized GPT4_
لا تحزن عمّا ورد عليک انّک حملت فى حبّى ما لا حمله اکثر العباد انّ ربّک عليم و خبير و کان معک فى المجالس و المحافل و سمع ما جرى من معين قلبک سلسبيل الحکمة و البيان فى ذکر ربّک الرّحمن انّ هذا لفضل مبين. (edit)
20 Sorrow not for that which hath befallen thee. Thou hast borne for My love that which most people have never endured. Thy Lord knoweth and is informed of all. He was with thee in the assemblages and gatherings, and heard that which flowed from the wellspring of thy heart, the living waters of knowledge and wisdom, in remembrance of thy Lord, the All-Merciful. This, indeed, is a token of His bountiful favour. (edit) Do not grieve over what has befallen you, for you have borne in my love what most servants cannot bear. Indeed, your Lord is All-Knowing and Aware, and has been with you in gatherings and assemblies, and has heard what has flowed from the fountain of your heart, the path of wisdom and expression in the remembrance of your Merciful Lord. Indeed, this is a clear favor. (edit)
فسوف يبعث اللّه من الملوک من يعين اوليائه انّه علی کلّ شىء محيط و يلقى فى القلوب حبّ اوليائه و هذا حتم من لدن عزيز جميل. (edit)
21Erelong will God raise up from among the kings one who will aid His loved ones. He, verily, encompasseth all things. He will instil in the hearts the love of His loved ones. This, indeed, is irrevocably decreed by One Who is the Almighty, the Beneficent. (edit) God will indeed raise among the kings those who will aid His allies. He is, assuredly, all-encompassing over all things, and He will cast into the hearts love for His allies. This is a certainty from the presence of the Mighty, the Beautiful. (edit)
نسئل اللّه بان يشرح من ندائک صدور عباده و يجعلک علم الهداية فى بلاده و ينصر بک المستضعفين. لا تلتفت الی نعاق من نعق و الّذى ينعق فاکف بربّک الغفور الکريم. فاقصص احبّتى قصص الغلام عمّا عرفت و رأيت ثمّ الق عليهم ما القيناک انّ ربّک يؤيّدک فى کلّ الاحوال و انّه معک رقيب و يصلّى عليک الملأ الاعلی و يکبّرنّ عليک ال اللّه و اهله من الورقات الطّائفات حول الشّجرة و يذکرنّک بذکر بديع. (edit)
22 We beseech God to gladden the hearts of His servants through thy call, to make thee an ensign of guidance in His lands, and to assist through thee those who have been brought low. Heed not the one who raised a loud clamour and he who raiseth it even now. Let thy Lord, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Generous, be all-sufficient unto thee. Relate unto My loved ones that which thou hast seen and learned of the tale of this Youth, and convey unto them that which We have imparted unto thee. Verily, thy Lord assisteth and watcheth over thee at all times and under all conditions. The blessings of the Concourse on high surround thee, and the kindred and the leaves of the holy family who circle round the celestial Tree extol thee with a wondrous praise. (edit) We ask God to open the hearts of His servants to your call, and to make you a beacon of guidance in His lands, and to aid the oppressed through you. Pay no heed to the squawking of those who squawk; suffice yourself with your Lord, the Forgiving, the Generous. So, narrate to my loved ones the tales of the young man from what you have known and seen, then cast upon them what We have cast upon you. Verily, your Lord supports you in all circumstances, and He is indeed watchful over you. The highest assembly will send blessings upon you, and the family of God and its people, among the floating leaves around the tree, will glorify you with a unique mention. (edit)
ان يا قلم الوحى ذکّر من حضر کتابه تلقاء الوجه فى اللّيلة الدّلما و دار البلاد الی ان دخل المدينة و استجار فى جوار رحمة ربّه العزيز المنيع و بات فيها فى العشىّ مرتقبا فضل ربّه و فى الاشراق خرج بامر اللّه و بذلک حزن الغلام و کان اللّه علی ما اقول شهيدا. (edit)
23 O Pen of Revelation! Call Thou to remembrance him2 whose letter reached Us during this darksome night. He it is who wandered from region to region until he entered the City,3 seeking the shelter of the mercy of his Lord, the Almighty, the Most High. Eagerly awaiting the favours of his Lord, he dwelt therein for a night, but departed therefrom the following morning as bidden by God, filling with sorrow the heart of this Youth. To this the Almighty is Himself a witness. (edit) Indeed, O Pen of Revelation, remind the one who stood in the presence of His Book directly in the dark night, traversed through lands until he entered the city and sought sanctuary in the mercy of his Mighty, Impregnable Lord. There, he spent the evening in anticipation of his Lord's grace, and at the break of dawn, he left by God's command. Because of this, the young man was filled with sorrow, and God is a witness to what I say. (edit)
طوبى لک بما اخذت راح البيان من راحة الرّحمن و اخذتک رائحة المحبوب علی شأن انقطعت عن راحة نفسک و کنت من المسرعين الی شطر الفردوس مطلع ايات ربّک العزيز الفريد. فيا روحا لمن شرب حُميّا المعانى من مُحيّا ربّه و تعلّل من زلال هذه الخمر تاللّه بها يطير الموحّدون الی سماء العظمة و الاجلال و يبدّل الظنّ باليقين. (edit)
24 Great is thy blessedness, for thou hast received the wine of utterance from the hand of the All-Merciful, and became so enraptured by the sweet fragrance of the Best-Beloved as to renounce thy comfort and to be numbered with them that have hastened unto His Paradise, the Dawning-Place of the signs of thy Lord, the Gracious, the Peerless. Happy the one who hath quaffed the wine of inner mysteries from the countenance of his Lord and been intoxicated by this pure and crystal draught. By God! It causeth every true believer to soar in the heaven of majesty and grandeur, and transmuteth every doubt into certainty. (edit) Blessed are you for having drawn the essence of eloquence from the balm of the Merciful, and for having been scented by the Beloved to such an extent that you detached from your own comfort and were among those who hastened towards the higher realms of Paradise, a radiant beacon of your Mighty, Unique Lord's verses. O soul that drank the intoxicating essence of meanings from the Fountainhead of his Lord and was intoxicated by the droplets of this wine, by God, with it the monotheists soar to the heavens of grandeur and majesty, and doubt is replaced by certainty. (edit)
لا تحزن عمّا ورد عليک فتوکّل علی اللّه المقتدر العليم الحکيم. اسسّ ارکان البيت من زبر البيان ثمّ اذکر ربّک انّه يکفيک عن العالمين. (edit)
25 Grieve not at what hath befallen thee, but put thy whole trust in God, the Almighty, the All-Knowing, the Wise. Raise thy house upon the solid foundation of divine utterances, and give praise to thy Lord. He, verily, shall suffice thee above all the peoples of the earth. (edit) Do not be saddened by what has come your way; put your trust in God, the Omnipotent, the All-Knowing, the Wise. Establish the pillars of the House with the bricks of eloquence, then remember your Lord, for He is sufficient for you against all the worlds. (edit)
قد کتب اللّه ذکرکم فى اللّوح الّذى فيه رقم اسرار ما کان و سوف يذکرون الموحّدون هجرتکم و ورودکم و خروجکم فى سبيل اللّه انّه يريد من اراده و انّه ولىّ المخلصين. تاللّه ينظرنّکم الملأ الاعلی و يشيرنّ اليکم باصابعهم کذلک احاطکم فضل ربّکم فيا ليت القوم يعرفون ما غفلوا عنه فى ايّام اللّه العزيز الحميد. (edit)
26 God hath, in truth, inscribed your names upon a Tablet wherein are enshrined the hidden secrets of all that hath been. Erelong shall the faithful call to remembrance your exile and all your journeys in His path. He, verily, loveth those who love Him, and is the helper of the sincere. By the righteousness of God! The eyes of the Concourse on high are fixed upon you and their fingers point towards you. Thus doth the bounty of your Lord encompass you. Would that the people might recognize that which hath escaped them in the days of God, the All-Glorious, the All-Praised. (edit) Verily, God has inscribed your mention on the Tablet that contains the numerals of the secrets of what was. The monotheists will remember your migration, your arrival, and your departure in the path of God. He chooses whoever chooses Him, and He is the guardian of the sincere. By God, the Supreme Concourse gazes upon you and points toward you with their fingers. Thus, the grace of your Lord has enveloped you. If only the people knew what they have overlooked in the days of God, the Mighty, the Praised. (edit)
ان اشکر اللّه بما ايّدک لعرفانه و ادخلک فى جواره فى اليوم الّذى فيه احاط المشرکون اهل اللّه و اوليائه و اخرجوهم من البيوت بظلم مبين و ارادوا ان يفرّقوا بيننا فى شاطئ البحر انّ ربّک عليم بما فى صدور المشرکين. قل لو تقطعون ارکاننا لن يخرج حبّ اللّه من قلوبنا انّا خلقنا للفداء و بذلک نفتخر علی العالمين ثمّ اعلم يا ايّها المشتعل بنار اللّه قد حضر بين يدينا کتابک و عرفنا ما فيه نسئل اللّه بان يوفّقک علی حبّه و رضائه و يؤيّدک علی تبليغ امره و يجعلک من النّاصرين. (edit)
27 Render thanks unto God for having aided thee to know Him and to enter within the precincts of His court at a time when the ungodly surrounded the family of thy Lord and His loved ones, and expelled them from their homes with manifest cruelty, intending to separate us at the shore of the sea. Verily, thy Lord is aware of that which lieth concealed within the breasts of the unbelievers. Say: Even should ye tear our bodies asunder, ye could not banish from our hearts the love of God. We were of a truth created for sacrifice, and in this do we take pride before all creation.

28 O thou who art set aglow with the fire of the love of God! Know thou that thy letter hath reached Us and that We have been apprised of its contents. We beseech God to confirm thee in His love and in His good pleasure, to assist thee in the promotion of His Cause, and to number thee with such as have arisen for the triumph of His Faith. (edit)

Indeed, give thanks to God for strengthening you in recognizing Him and admitting you into His sanctuary on the day when the polytheists besieged the people of God and His allies. They unjustly expelled them from their homes and sought to divide us at the seashore. Verily, your Lord is knowledgeable about what is in the hearts of the polytheists. Say, even if you sever our foundations, the love of God will not leave our hearts. We were created for sacrifice, and in that, we take pride over the worlds. Then know, O you who are ablaze with the fire of God, your book has arrived before us and we have recognized what is in it. We ask God to grant you success in His love and satisfaction, to support you in conveying His command, and to make you among the helpers. (edit)
و امّا ما سئلت عن النّفس فاعلم بانّ للقوم فيها مقالات شتّى و مقامات شتّى و منها نفس ملکوتية و نفس جبروتيّة و نفس لاهوتيّة و نفس الهيّة و نفس قدسيّة و نفس مطمئنّة و نفس راضية و نفس مرضيّة و نفس ملهمة و نفس لوّامة و نفس امّارة. لکلّ حزب فيها بيانات انّا لا نحبّ ان نذکر ما ذکر من قبل و عند ربّک علم الاوّلين و الاخرين. (edit)
29 As to thy question regarding the soul: Know thou that among the people there are numerous treatises and manifold views as to its stations. Among these are the soul of the kingdom, the soul of the dominion, the celestial soul, the divine soul, the sanctified soul, as well as the benevolent soul, the contented soul, the soul pleasing unto God, the inspired soul, the irascible soul, and the concupiscent soul. Every group hath its own pronouncements concerning the soul and We are disinclined to dwell upon the sayings of the past. Verily, with thy Lord is the knowledge of the former and latter generations. (edit) As for what you asked about the soul, know that people have various statements and various stations concerning it, including the celestial soul, the imperial soul, the divine soul, the godly soul, the holy soul, the content soul, the satisfied soul, the pleasing soul, the inspired soul, the self-reproaching soul, and the commanding soul. Each group has its own explanations. We do not wish to mention what has been said before, and with your Lord is the knowledge of the first and the last. (edit)
يا ليت کنت حاضرا لدى العرش و سمعت ما هو المقصود من لسان العظمة و بلغت الی ذروة العلم من لدن عليم حکيم. و لکنّ المشرکين حالوا بيننا و بينک ايّاک ان تحزن بذلک فارض بما جرى من مبرم القضاء و کن من الصّابرين. (edit)
30 Would that thou wert present before Our throne to hear from the Tongue of Grandeur itself that which thou desirest and scale the loftiest heights of knowledge by the grace of Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise! The ungodly, however, have intervened between us. Take heed lest thou be grieved thereby. Be content with that which hath been ordained by an irrevocable decree, and be of them that endure with patience. (edit) If only you were present near the Throne and heard what is intended from the Tongue of Grandeur, and reached the pinnacle of knowledge from the Wise and Knowing. However, the polytheists have come between us and you. Beware of being saddened by this; be content with what has transpired as part of predestined fate and be among the patient. (edit)
فاعلم بانّ النّفس الّتى يشارک فيها العباد انّها تحدث بعد امتشاج الاشياء و بلوغها کما ترى فى النّطفة انّها بعد ارتقاعها الی المقام الّذى قدّر فيها يظهر اللّه بها نفسها الّتى کانت مکنونة فيها انّ ربّک يفعل ما يشا و يحکم ما يريد و النّفس الّتى هى المقصود انّها تبعث من کلمة اللّه و انّها لهى الّتى لو اشتعلت بنار حبّ ربّها لا تخمدها مياه الاعراض و لا بحور العالمين و انّها لهى النّار المشتعلة الملتهبة فى سدرة الانسان و تنطق بانّه لا اله الّا هو و الّذى سمع ندائها انّه من الفائزين و لمّا خرجت عن الجسد يبعثها اللّه علی احسن صورة و يدخلها فى جنّة عالية انّ ربّک علی کلّ شىء قدير. (edit)
31 Know that the soul which is common to all men cometh forth following the commingling of things and after their maturation, as thou dost observe in the germ: once it hath developed to its predestined stage, God manifesteth the soul that was latent within it. Thy Lord, verily, doeth what He willeth and ordaineth what He pleaseth.

32 As to the soul which is intended, in truth it hath been called forth by the Word of God and is such that, if it be kindled with the fire of the love of its Lord, neither the waters of opposition nor the oceans of the world can quench its flame. That soul is indeed a fire ablaze in the tree of man which proclaimeth: “No God is there but Him!” Whosoever hearkeneth unto its call is verily of those who have attained unto Him. And when it casteth off its earthly frame, God shall raise it up again in the most excellent of forms and cause it to enter a sublime paradise. Thy Lord, of a certainty, hath power over all things. (edit)

Know that the soul, in which all creatures partake, comes into being after the amalgamation of elements and their reaching maturity, as you see in the sperm. Once it ascends to the station preordained for it, God manifests through it its own essence that was concealed within it. Indeed, your Lord does as He wills and decrees as He wishes. The intended soul is one that is summoned from the Word of God, and it is the one that, if ignited with the fire of the love of its Lord, cannot be extinguished by the waters of indifference nor by the oceans of the worlds. Indeed, it is the blazing, inflamed fire in the Lote Tree of humanity, declaring that there is no deity but He. Whoever hears its call is among the successful. And when it departs the body, God resurrects it in the best of forms and admits it into a lofty Paradise. Indeed, your Lord has power over all things. (edit)
ثمّ اعلم بانّ حيوة الانسان من الرّوح و توجّه الرّوح الی جهة دون الجهات انّه من النفس فکّر فيما القيناک لتعرف نفس اللّه الّذى اتى من مشرق الفضل بسلطان مبين. (edit)
33 Know, furthermore, that the life of man proceedeth from the spirit, and the spirit turneth to wheresoever the soul directeth it. Ponder upon that which We have revealed unto thee that thou mayest recognize the Soul of God which hath appeared above the Dayspring of bounty invested with manifest sovereignty. (edit) Then know that the life of a human is from the spirit, and the direction of the spirit toward one orientation over others is from the soul. Contemplate what we have imparted to you so that you may recognize the soul of God that has come from the East of Grace with manifest authority. (edit)
ثمّ اعلم بانّ للّنفس جناحين ان طارت فى هواء الحبّ و الرّضا تنسب الی الرّحمن و ان طارت فى هواء الهوى تنسب الی الشّيطان. اعاذنا اللّه و ايّاکم منها يا ملأ العارفين و انّها اذا اشتعلت بنار محبّة اللّه تسمّى بالمطمئنّة و المرضيّة و ان اشتعلت بنار الهوى تسمّى بالامّارة کذلک فصّلنا لک تفصيلا لتکون من المتبصّرين. (edit)
34 Know also that the soul is endowed with two wings: should it soar in the atmosphere of love and contentment, then it will be related to the All-Merciful, and should it fly in the atmosphere of self and desire, then it will pertain to the Evil One; may God shield and protect us and protect you therefrom, O ye who perceive! Should the soul become ignited with the fire of the love of God, it is called benevolent and pleasing unto God, but should it be consumed with the fire of passion, it is known as the concupiscent soul. Thus have We expounded this subject for thee that thou mayest obtain a clear understanding. (edit) Then know that the soul has two wings; if it soars in the air of love and contentment, it is attributed to the Compassionate. If it flies in the air of whim, it is attributed to Satan. May God protect us and you from it, O assembly of the knowledgeable. When it is ignited by the fire of the love of God, it is called "the contented" and "the pleased." If it is ignited by the fire of whim, it is called "the commanding." Thus, we have detailed it for you so that you may be among the discerning. (edit)
ان يا قلم الاعلی فاذکر لمن توجّه الی ربّک الابهى ما يغنيه عن ذکر العالمين. قل انّ الرّوح و العقل و النّفس و السّمع و البصر واحد يختلف باختلاف الاسباب کما فى الانسان تنظرون ما يفقه به الانسان و يتحرّک و يتکلّم و يسمع و يبصر کلّها من آية ربّه فيه و انّها واحدة فى ذاتها و لکن تختلف باختلاف الاسباب انّ هذا لحقّ معلوم. مثلا بتوجّهها الی اسباب السّمع يظهر حکم السّمع و اسمه و کذلک بتوجّهها الی اسباب البصر يظهر اثر اخر و اسم اخر فکّر لتصل الی اصل المقصود و تجد نفسک غنيّا عمّا يذکر عند النّاس و تکون من الموقنين و کذلک بتوجّهها الی الدّماغ و الرّاس و اسباب اخرى يظهر حکم العقل و النّفس انّ ربّک لهو المقتدر علی ما يريد. (edit)
35 O Pen of the Most High! Recount unto him who hath turned unto Thy Lord, the All-Glorious, that which shall enable him to dispense with the sayings of men. Say: Spirit, mind, soul, and the powers of sight and hearing are but one single reality which hath manifold expressions owing to the diversity of its instruments. As thou dost observe, man’s power to comprehend, move, speak, hear, and see all derive from this sign of his Lord within him. It is single in its essence, yet manifold through the diversity of its instruments. This, verily, is a certain truth. For example, if it directeth its attention to the means of hearing, then hearing and its attributes become manifest. Likewise, if it directeth itself to the means of vision, a different effect and attribute appear. Reflect upon this subject that thou mayest comprehend the true meaning of what hath been intended, find thyself independent of the sayings of the people, and be of them that are well assured. In like manner, when this sign of God turneth towards the brain, the head, and such means, the powers of the mind and the soul are manifested. Thy Lord, verily, is potent to do whatsoever He pleaseth. (edit) Indeed, O Supreme Pen, mention to the one who turns to your Most Glorious Lord what will suffice him over the mention of the worlds. Say, the spirit, the intellect, the soul, the hearing, and the sight are one; they differ due to differing causes. As in a human being, you observe what the person understands, moves, speaks, hears, and sees—all of it is from the sign of their Lord within them, and they are one in their essence. However, they differ due to differing causes; indeed, this is a known truth. For example, when oriented towards the causes of hearing, the judgment of hearing and its name appear. Similarly, when oriented towards the causes of sight, another effect and another name appear. Contemplate to reach the essence of the intended purpose, and you will find yourself free from what people mention and be among those who are certain. Also, when it is directed toward the brain, the head, and other causes, the judgments of the intellect and the soul appear. Indeed, your Lord has the power over what He wills. (edit)
انّا قد بيّنّا کلّ ما ذکرناه فى الالواح الّتى نزّلناها فى جواب من سئل عن الحروفات المقطّعات فى الفرقان فانظر فيها لتطّلع بما نزّل من جبروت اللّه العزيز الحميد. لذا اختصرنا فى هذا اللّوح و نسئل اللّه بان يعرّفک من هذا الاختصار ما لا ينتهى بالاذکار و يشربک من هذه الکأس ما فى البحور انّ ربّک لهو الفضّال ذو القوّة المتين. (edit)
36 All that We have mentioned here hath been elucidated in the Tablets We have revealed in response to questions regarding the disconnected letters of the Qur’án. Ponder them that thou mayest comprehend that which hath been sent down from the Kingdom of Him Who is the Almighty, the All-Praised. Thus have We chosen to be concise in this Tablet. We beseech God to acquaint thee through this brief exposition with that which words can never hope to exhaust, and to give thee to drink of the limitless oceans from this cup. Thy Lord, verily, is the All-Bountiful and unassailable in His power. (edit) Indeed, We have clarified all that We have mentioned in the Tablets that We have revealed in response to one who asked about the isolated letters in the Qur'an. Therefore, look therein to become acquainted with what has descended from the Might of God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. For this reason, We have abbreviated in this Tablet, and We ask God to acquaint you through this abbreviation with that which is endless in remembrances, and to give you to drink from this cup what is in the oceans. Indeed, your Lord is the Most Generous, the Mighty, the Strong. (edit)
ان يا قلم القدم ذکّر العلىّ الّذى کان معک فى العراق الی ان خرج منه نيّر الافاق ثمّ هاجر الی ان حضر تلقاء الوجه حين الّذى کنّا اسارى بايدى من کان عن نفحات الرّحمن محروما. لا تحزن عمّا ورد علينا و عليک فى سبيل اللّه ان اطمئنّ ثمّ استقم انّه ينصر من احبّه و انّه کان علی کلّ شىء قديرا. و الّذى اقبل اليه استضاء منه وجوه الملأ الاعلی و کان اللّه علی ما اقول شهيدا. (edit)
37 O Pen of the Ancient of Days! Call Thou to remembrance ‘Alí,4 he who sojourned with Thee in ‘Iráq until the Daystar of the world departed therefrom. He forsook his home to attain the court of Thy presence at a time when We were captive in the hands of such as have been deprived of the sweet savours of the All-Merciful. Grieve not at what hath befallen Us and thee in the path of God. Rest assured and persevere. He, verily, rendereth victorious those who love Him, and His might is equal to all things. Whoso turneth unto Him brighteneth thereby the faces of the Concourse on high, and unto this God Himself is My witness. (edit) Indeed, O Pen of Eternity, remind the Exalted One who was with you in Iraq until he emerged illuminating the horizons, then migrated until he was present face-to-face at a time when we were captives in the hands of those deprived of the breezes of the Merciful. Do not grieve over what has befallen us and you in the path of God. Be assured, then stand firm. Indeed, He aids those He loves, and He is capable over all things. The one who turned to Him, from him the faces of the celestial hosts were illuminated, and God is a witness to what I say. (edit)
قل يا قوم اتظنّون الايمان لانفسکم بعد الّذى اعرضتم عن الّذى به ظهر الاديان فى الاکوان تاللّه انتم من اصحاب النّيران کذلک کان الامر من قلم اللّه علی الالواح مسطورا. قل بنباح الکلب لن تمنع الورقاء عن نغماتها تفکّروا لکى تجدوا الی الحقّ سبيلا. (edit)
38 Say: O people, do ye imagine that, after rejecting the One through Whom the religions of the world have been made manifest, ye still bear allegiance to the Faith of God? By the righteousness of God! Ye are accounted among the inmates of the Fire. Thus hath the decree been recorded in the Tablets by the Pen of God. Say: Never will the barking of dogs deter the Nightingale from warbling its melodies. Ponder awhile that perchance ye may discover a path leading to the Eternal Truth. (edit) Say, O people, do you consider faith to be for yourselves, after you have turned away from the One through whom religions have appeared in the worlds? By God, you are among the dwellers of the Fire. Thus has the matter been inscribed from the Pen of God upon the Tablets. Say, with the barking of a dog, you will not prevent the leaves from their melodies. Reflect so that you may find a path to the Truth. (edit)
قل سبحانک اللّهمّ يا الهى اسئلک بدموع العاشقين فى هوائک و صريخ المشتاقين فى فراقک و بمحبوبک الّذى ابتلی بين ايدى معانديک بان تنصر الّذين آووا فى ظلّ جناح مکرمتک و الطافک و ما اتّخذوا لانفسهم ربّا سواک. (edit)
39 Say: Magnified art Thou, O Lord my God! I entreat Thee by the tears Thy lovers have shed in their longing after Thee, and by the yearning of those who cry out in their separation from Thee, and by Thy Best-Beloved Who hath fallen into the hands of Thine adversaries, to graciously assist those who have sought refuge beneath the sheltering wings of Thy favour and loving-kindness, and who have yearned for no other Lord except Thee. (edit) Say, "Glory be to You, O God, my Lord. I ask You by the tears of the lovers in Your air, and the cries of the yearning in their separation from You, and by Your Beloved who has been tried before the hands of Your adversaries, to assist those who have sought refuge under the shadow of the wing of Your generosity and Your grace, and have taken no lord for themselves other than You." (edit)
اى ربّ قد خرجنا عن الاوطان شوقا للقائک و طلباً لوصالک و قطعنا البرّ و البحر للحضور بين يديک و اصغاء آياتک فلمّا وردنا البحر منعنا عنه و حال المشرکون بيننا و بين انوار وجهک. (edit)
40 We have forsaken our homes, O Lord, in our eagerness to meet Thee and in our longing to be united with Thee. We have traversed land and sea to attain the court of Thy presence and to give ear to Thy verses. When we arrived at the shores of the sea, however, we were held back from Thee, as the ungodly intervened between us and the light of Thy countenance. (edit) O Lord, we have left our homelands, yearning for Your presence and seeking Your union. We have crossed land and sea to stand before You and to listen to Your verses. But when we reached the sea, we were prevented from it, and the idolaters stood between us and the lights of Your countenance. (edit)
اى ربّ قد اخذتنا رعدة الظّماء و عندک کوثر البقاء و انّک انت المقتدر علی ما تشاء. لا تحرمنا عمّا اردنا ثمّ اکتب لنا اجر المقرّبين من عبادک و المخلصين من بريّتک ثمّ استقمنا فى حبّک علی شأن لا يمنعنا عنک ما دونک و لا يصرفنا عن حبّک ما سواک انّک انت المقتدر علی ما تشاء و انّک انت العزيز الکريم. (edit)
41 O Lord! Dire thirst hath seized us, and with Thee are the soft-flowing waters of eternal life. Potent art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee. Deny us not the object of our quest. Write down then for us the recompense decreed for such of Thy servants as enjoy near access to Thee and are wholly devoted to Thy will. Make us so steadfast in Thy love that naught shall keep us back from Thee or deter us from Thine adoration. Powerful art Thou to do Thy pleasure. Thou, verily, art the Almighty, the Most Generous. (edit) O Lord, the thunder of the heavens has seized us, and with You is the abundance of everlasting life. Verily, You are capable of whatever You will. Do not deprive us of what we desire; then write for us the reward of those who are close among Your servants and sincere among Your creation. Then guide us to steadfastness in Your love, in a manner that nothing less than You prevents us from You, and nothing besides You diverts us from Your love. Verily, You are capable of whatever You will, and indeed, You are the Mighty, the Generous. (edit)

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